Good Friends

After walking for half an hour, Zhao Luo, Brother Sang, and Yan had only reached the TPC Building.

They passed the TPC building while talking about different stuff. 

'Yan talks so much.'

Zhao Luo thought while looking at the still talking Yan.

It was because of how much Yan had to tell them or ask Zhao Luo. Zhao Luo didn't mind it as it looked nice to see Yan being so enthusiastic about sharing personal things with him and Brother Sang or knowing them.

The problem was that Brother Sang and Yan, both would almost every time had questions for Zhao Luo and not each other.

'Brother Luo What is your....'

'Brother Zhao Luo what do you think about...'

'Brother Luo when did you do...'

'Brother Zhao Luo what is your...'

These lines were echoing in his mind as Brother Sang and Yan would always just single him out.

'It's hard being so popular.'

Zhao Luo thought.