Its Time!

Inside the Teleportation Circle Building aka the TPC building.

There were many people gathered around the circle. They were the examinees who had passed the entrance exam and their families had come too. 

Their children would be going to the Sect for a long time now so how could they not see them off. 

Zhao Luo entered the building with Yan. The only thing in his mind was that he wanted to see the Sect. He had watched the Sect Mountain many times till now and finally, he was going there.

"There are so many people here."

Zhao Luo said as he could see a crowd gathered inside the building.

"It's because there are others like the friend and families of the examinees here too."

Yan explained as she looked around and noticed some familiar faces. 

"Hmmm. I don't see Feng Mei. Brother Sang isn't here either."

Zhao Luo told Yan after he scanned the crowd.