Secrets & The Top Scorer

Zhao Luo and Wu Yang were looking at each other's eyes, both were now sitting on the same level, that is on Zhao Luo's bed after Zhao Luo offered Wu Yang the spot.

"Zhao Luo, you don't have to call me brother. Just think of this as a give and take. You are letting me join you guys and I will be guiding you on the secrets of the trainee hall."

Wu Yang wholeheartedly said to Zhao Luo. 

He wasn't here to get a higher standing on Zhao Luo just because of what he was providing. But if that standing was based on respect then he wouldn't have minded it at all.

Unfortunately, they had just met and respect between people doesn't build instantly like this.

"I guess it was just an illusion of mine that the trainees who had been here for a long time were slackers. It looks like you have a plan in your mind, Wu Yang."

Zhao Luo said to Wu Yang.

Zhao Luo could see that the guy in front of him wasn't here to play games.