Bao Fei

While looking at the man, Zhao Luo and his friends heard another announcement.

"You lot, who followed my teaching and treaded on this long and unfathomable road. A road whose end could only be seen by people who had the heart of a saint and the qualities of a dragon."

Wu Yang, Mite, Feng Mei, and the others had a shine in their eyes. 

Each of the lines was a calculated phrase that was like praise being showered on them. This gave them a newfound feeling of achieving an impossible feat.

'Heart of a saint?'

'Qualities of a dragon?'


'Who are you mister, just turn around and introduce yourself?'

Zhao Luo couldn't give two cents about what the Fu Zi was going on about. It was just a setup, no matter who reached the end, the same announcement will be repeated.

The only thing Zhao Luo wanted to know, was the identity of the man who had reached this place before them.

'Is he one of the disciples too?'