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'Good Bye.'

Zhao Luo had a saddened look on his face as he left the trainee hall while leaving a last fleeting farewell lingering in the air of trainee hall.

At the exit of the trainee hall.

'5 days.'

'A week maybe.'

Zhao Luo thought of his time in the trainee hall as he left it.

He had to count the time in the Fu Zi World too. But in reality, the time he had spent in that World was more than ten times less than the time that had passed in reality.

He was already leaving for the outer hall in a week.

"If only I can advance to the inner hall in a week too. That would be crazy."

Leaving his gloomy feelings aside, Zhao Luo hoped for better improvement in the future.

As he stood at the gates of the trainee hall, Zhao Luo shook his head.

He wasn't trying to get rid of the flies around his head, instead, he was looking for the way to the outer hall, which was his next destination.

"The outer hall should be there."