Extraordinary Breath & The Betrayal

Zhao Luo who was unable to decide which technique to pick out of these hundreds of techniques felt like he was in a pickle.

'This is even harder than the challenges of the training area and the fights against Mite and Wu Yang.'

Zhao Luo thought as he looked around the shelves.

"Which book should I get?"

Zhao Luo wondered as the remaining time was only 9 minutes.

Every book had an attractive name. Except that he wanted to try learning all of these techniques later on but he couldn't even take the books right now because of his limited points.

"Should I just go for "what the rock is cooking", maybe it could turn out to be a hidden gem?"

Zhao Luo who was hoping for getting the best technique looked at the C rank silver book.

There were two reasons why Zhao Luo was still holding onto this technique name.