Fighting The Drunk Disciple I

Everyone close to the stage Zhao Luo and Feng Ma was on had their eyes fixed on the two.


The thundering sound kept on acting as the background SFX of their fight.

Every time they would be drenched by the rain, the momentary gust of wind would somewhat dry them.

That is, their bodies were now as cold as an ice cube. But this stopped neither Zhao Luo nor Feng Ma.

In mid-air, they both attacked each other.

"Simple Punch."

Zhao Luo shouted as he threw his left fist at Feng Ma while they both reached each other.

While Feng Ma raised his right leg.

"Sober Kick."

Two shouts echoed around under the heavy sound of rain. 



Zhao Luo's punch landed on the right arm of Feng Ma while he blocked Feng Ma's Sober Kick by raising his right knee.

Both stared at each other.

'His strength is similar to mine or even greater.'

Zhao Luo speculated as both pushed each other away once again.