Explosive Fist Plane

Zhao Luo lowered his gaze to look at the part which explained the first stage of the Bullet Fist.

[ Explosive Fist Plane ]


Zhao Luo humphed as the first stage already had the 'blowing

[ Learning the WAYS to use Fist as a weapon may be important, but the POWER behind your Fist is the most critical component ]

[ The POWER of a fist can decide the outcome of an exchange. But what if it's a losing fight? ]

Zhao Luo looked at the question and was baffled.

'Why fight a losing battle in the first place?'

With this thought invading his mind Zhao Luo underestimated this part.


'Nothing's decided till the fight ends.'

[ Even a losing battle/exchange/fight can be won with just a single fist which contains an explosive power behind it ]

[ To get that explosive power in your fists, there is only one way ]

[ Train your fists to that point where they start crumbling ]