

The sound of Zhao Luo's fist falling on the greyish surface of the tungsten mountain sounded out like the noise of a big explosion.

Just the echo of each punch was enough to make a regular person's ear bleed.

But in the dark space, where Zhao Luo alone would be throwing more than thirty punches, which were landing straight on the mountain every second even before the sound of the previous punches would die down.

This caused the overlapping sound to keep on increasing the impact of the echoes thus turning the dark space into a chaotic battlefield.

Drowned in such blasting sound, Zhao Luo and his apparitions had red eyes as they kept on pushing themselves to the extreme.

Zhao Luo and his apparitions were punching the mountain left and right without stopping.

Each punch carried the whole essence of their strength to the last drop. No one had slacked in even a single punch.