
Zhao Luo threw his fists at the mountain.

The infinitely small moment before his fist touched the mountain, a three feet round sigil of yin and yang appeared in between his fist and the mountain.

The next moment his fist pushed the sigil towards the mountain and the instant his fists touched the mountain.


In less than the tenth of a second, the mountain was pulverized and dust started rising as the mountain fell on its place.


Zhao Luo waved his hand in front of him as the dust was coming towards his face.

"My strength has more than doubled."

Zhao Luo guessed while looking at the demolished version of his 'strongest mountain'.

Another day had passed and Zhao Luo had progressed a lot.

"I have now mastered the Bullet Fist completely."

Zhao Luo sat down and closed his eyes.

He was checking his progress.

'My hands feel heavy and light at the same time.'