Ax Chain Formation

After one of them was taken out by Zhao Luo in an unexpected manner, the others were on their guard.

Seeing Zhao Luo flashing from his current spot, they backed away and the seven came together in such a way that their back was moved together.

Each of them was covering for the other, while these disciples held their swords tightly.

"Where is he?"

One of them questioned as Zhao Luo had yet to appear.

"I don't see him either."

Another one replied.

The seven had their backs touching each other as they held their breath.

A shadow covered them as Zhao Luo appeared above them.

While falling towards them, Zhao Luo pulled back his fist.

"He is coming down, point your swords upwards and we shall skewer him."

One of the disciples shouted with an evil laugh on his face.

He couldn't wait for his sword to slice through Zhao Luo's body.

"Hmph, you think your swords can pierce through my fists?"