Meeting with Elder Gay

"Brother, are you a seer?"

Pi Hao asked Zhao Luo with shining eyes.

Pi Hao had his palms turned towards Zhao Luo as he looked at him with respect.

'Does he want me to read his palms?'

"I am not a seer. But I can read your palm."

Zhao Luo could easily see through, what Pi Hao was trying to ask him through his expression.

A smile slowly appeared on his face.


Zhao Luo grabbed his palm while Senior Cutie and Xiao Yu moved a few steps away as they were also very interested in seeing what Zhao Luo would tell about Pi Hao's future.


Zhao Luo made a deep sound as he tightened his grip around Pi Hao's palm.

"Ack, so what does it say brother?"

Pi Hao asked Zhao Luo who was staring at the lines of his with a very hard gaze.

"I didn't know, palm gazing was a thing here too."

Zhao Luo first said as he let go of Pi Hao's hand.

'Pi Hao's action was indeed a surprise.'