Beast Corpse Holder

The giant drift warm squirmed as the attacks landed, and a few scratches were left on its body.



Leaving behind a screeching cry, the worm jerked its big body to push away Zhao Luo, Pi Hao, and Senior Cutie at the same time.

A massive dust cloud was raised around the worm that covered all three of them.


Zhao Luo stumbled back and looked around to see if Senior Cutie and Pi Hao were doing okay too.

'They are standing.'

Zhao Luo mumbled as he could only see their straight shadows because of the dust.

"Little Brother."

Senior Cutie's voice entered Zhao Luo as he moved towards Zhao Luo.

"Switch with me. Let me defend against it and you with Pi Hao can be on the offensive."

Senior Cutie reached him and told him the plan.

Zhao Luo nodded and moved to surround the drift worm instantly.

'My sword technique still lacks power.'