Closing Danger

Ten minutes later.

Zhao Luo's bag was more than full.

"I could have been faster if all the trees had at least two fruits."

Zhao Luo complained as most of the trees had only a single fruit on one of the branches at the top of the tree.

His luckiest encounter with the most fruits on a tree was the first tree, the one Zhao Luo had started his gathering hustle from.

That was the only tree with three fruits.

"What about the others?"

Zhao Luo wondered since he had been too focused on gathering.

Looking around, he found out that Senior Cutie and Pi Hao were already done with collecting fruits.

To be more accurate, even though their bags weren't close to being full, they couldn't collect anymore since there was no fruit left hanging.

"You two are monsters at collecting fruits."

Senior Cutie shouted while exchanging glances between Zhao Luo and Xiao Yu.

"It is what it is."