Message Of The Princess



  The same scream with a high pitch was heard again, the moment Zhao Luo pulled out his glass word.

At the tip of the glass sword, a dark slimy bug was wriggling in pain.

Zhao Luo stared at the bug and with his eyes, he followed the blue blood of the bug which had a black smoke rising from it.

"What is this creature?"

Zhao Luo questioned with a disgusting look as he swung his sword to throw it away.

'It's a low-level insect known as Blood Ree. Its weird name comes from its unusual scream and its ability to travel inside the host's body while staying hidden in his blood.'

The old man answered Zhao Luo while his tone had changed once again.

Zhao Luo nodded while listening to the sleepy voice of his master and moved towards the insect's body.

"Blood Ree."

Zhao Luo mumbled while raising his foot and bringing it down to smash it under his foot.
