The Game and It's Participants

With horrified looks on their faces, the guards and the team leader looked at the bloody pieces of meat falling down. These were the remains of Butler Mo who had departed them after being blown to bits by a mysterious force.


An eyeball that had started rolling after falling on the ground came to a stop at the team leader's foot.


He had a sudden urge to throw up as he looked at the horrifying state of the Butler Mo's remains.

The golden bushes around the tree were rained with Butler Mo's blood, while Zhao Luo was pulling out the sword.

"Here goes nothing."

Zhao Luo mumbled as he gave it the last pull while jumping backward and the part of the blade that was stuck in the tree's base was pulled out slowly.


Zhao Luo fell on his back while holding the hilt which was on his chest and the rest of the blade followed up, which was more than 3 meters long.