The Unfamiliar Place inside the Inner Hall

"I just did what any other teacher would have done for his student. There is no need to thank me."

The Junior Elder looked a little embarrassed as he scratched the back of his head.

"But still-"

"Instead of thanking me, guide me."

The junior elder interrupted Zhao Luo while presenting a request of his own.

"Me? Guide you?"

Zhao Luo with a shocked look repeated his words again in case he didn't hear them right.

"Yes. I am really bad at riddles and you have become famous among the elders as the 'friend' of Master of Riddles. So who see could I ask about this If not you!"

Zhao Luo had half of his mouth open as he gazed at the junior elder who was almost two whole ranks above him and yet he wanted to learn 'solving riddles' from him.

"I will guide you on that."

Zhao Luo accepted his request since it wasn't even a big deal.

"Now go. And show them what the new King of Outer Hall is like."