The Twin Elders

"I will try. But it won't be easy."

Bu Xing said with a respectful tone.

It seemed like the person he was communicating with didn't seem ordinary as even Bu Xing who was on level six 'VI' of bronze rank had to be careful while replying.

"Hmm, you already how much the oldie cares for the First. And since the First has also relayed his interest in this kid to the oldie, so you better not disappoint him." 

"I will try my best so that master isn't disappointed with me."

Bu Xing bowed his head lightly after which all the pieces on the game board disintegrated slowly and then vanished altogether.

Only Bu Xing stood there while the voice he was talking to had also left.

Soon the lights of the room dimmed down and Bu Xing also left the room.

On the second floor of the test zone, Zhao Luo stood there with a confused look.