The Famous Senior Sang

Zhao Luo had three of his fingers opened up as he started telling them the three reasons behind the formation of these four groups. The truth was, these reasons were just speculations made by the inner disciples who had been in the groups for more than a year.

"The four seniors had actually made a single group initially to gather the students who weren't related to the Royal families. The group was quite popular after it was formed three years ago since the name was also quite catchy. They used to call it, The Camaraderie."

Zhao Luo said to them since the members of the royal families already had many subordinates so it was hard to face them without getting pressured by their numbers.

"So, that was the first reason which alternately gave birth to the four groups later on."

Zhao Luo closed his index finger leaving his middle and ring fingers open.

"But why did they go their separate ways?"