The Devastated State of Zhao Luo

Even though the pressure had increased Zhao Luo's pace was the same as before.

Slow yet each step of his had his whole strength behind it. With each step, Zhao Luo covered two feet and slowly closed on the remaining fifty feet that were left between him and the platform on which stood the mysterious man with his back towards Zhao Luo.

'He sounds familiar.'

Zhao Luo only had this thought since the start. Except for the sound of the man, he couldn't connect anything else, especially the back. He had never seen any elder with such a perfectly straight back with broad shoulders.

A minute later, the two were only twenty feet apart.


'Ten steps more.'

Zhao Luo groaned but even though the pressure had doubled again, Zhao Luo's step was steady enough to surprise the man in front of him.

'I should turn around.'

'Or, let's see if he can reach the last step.'