School surprise

Alex pov

I was on my way to school. I really like school and I'm not too bad at it either. I'm an A and B student.

Me and Mason have actually been meeting up lately. I've been showing him around the area while he has been telling me about his background. I wonder where he will go to school?

I always meet up with Kylie and Levi at the front of the school gates, but today I got a pink surprise. 'Oh hello Veronica' I said through gritted teeth.

'Ugh Alex' she said 'shouldn't you be at the skate park or something or trying to tackle all your brothers.' she snorted.

'Oh no I'm good thanks looks like I'm needed here for a crime against conformity!' I said confidently. I could tell she didn't get the insult so I pushed past her and went into school

'Guys you go on without me to class, I need to run to the library real quick' I explained 'Alright cool' Levi began 'awesome comeback outside by the way Veronica could never beat you'

'Thanks, gotta go' I said nudging him and running off. I needed to print of my maths home work or Mrs Lucas would kill me.

As I finished printing the school bell rang. I had to turn the laptop off and that takes ages. 5 minutes later I was sprinting off to form.

'Ah Alex here you are' She started 'I would like you to show our new classmate around'

As he waved I recognised him instantly.