Exciting news

Alex's POV

Ring ring ring!!!

I smacked the top of my alarm clock to shut it up. I knew I had to get up but I really couldn't be bothered. Then I heard the storm that were my brothers. Being the only girl in a house full of boys was challenging.

My oldest brother Leon banged on my bedroom door. 'Come in!!' I shouted. He ran in and jumped back first onto my bed. I smacked him on the head with my pillow which told him to get up.

'Ow! Anyway, mum says breakfast is nearly ready so you better get up.'

Once he got his message across he left my room screaming This is Me from 'The Greatest Showman.

I finally decided it was time to get up. I went to the toilet to get myself ready for the day. I had a shower, brushed my teeth and put my clothes on. I'm not really into clothes like Veronica and her posse are. Always caring so much about their appearance and putting on tons of make up. But me I don't wear make up. And my clothes are always quite boring. Today I put in a blue and white checkered top, black jeans and grey trainers.

I ran down the stairs releasing my black hair from its bun. I entered the dining room to the smell of lovely pancakes. 'Mmm, this looks good mum.' I told her. 'Thanks honey.'

Oh gosh it was 7:45 and I always got to school at 8:00 to meet Kylie, Mason and Levi. They were great friends. I quickly ate up my pancakes, grabbed my bomber jacket, grabbed my skateboard and was out of there. 'Bye guys!' I shouted back to my family.

I hopped onto my skateboard and was on my way. School was close to my house so I wasn't worried about being late. I performed some tricks earning some 'Oooos.' From the people walking past me skating.

I arrived at school at 7:57. When I walked in I put my skateboard in the bike shed and made my way to my form where the guys were.

When I got there I saw them in our usual seats. The was and empty spot next to Kylie so I sat there in front of the two boys. 'Hey guys.' I greeted. They all greeted me back. 'Hey Alex have you heard about Mrs Lucas' special announcement.' Mason informed me. 'Ooh, no I haven't what's it about?' 'Well, we don't know she said that it was a surprise, but we are sure to be really excited about it.' Mason clarified.

I wide grin appeared on my face. That normally happens when I get excited about something. Right on cue Mrs Lucas walked in

'Good morning class. I heard a few mumbles from the tired class. ' So I know you are all excited about the news, well here it is.'

My heart started beating faster as I waited for the news

'The class of 12b is going to LA in a month!!!!! For 3 weeks!! And the best part is, it's discounted, from £3500 to, get ready for this, £1000.!!!

When I heard that my grin was as big as ever. I turned towards by friends and they matched my grin.

'Best trip ever.' We all said in unison.

One month later...