'Ok, rock paper scissors, whoever wins gets the other ones dessert.' Alex said to Mason who was next to her.
'Ok, you're on.' He replied with a smirk. They shook hands and got into position. 'Rock, paper, scissors shoot!' They both said simultaneously. 'Nooooo!' Alex whined. 'Haha, I'll take that.' He retorted grabbing her dessert.
'I hate you so much.' Alex said leaning back in her seat. 'I won fair and square.' He said with a smirk.
'Hey Kylie,' Alex said to her friend who was in front of her. 'Yeah.' Kylie said back. 'How long until we get there?' '8 hours and 35 minutes.' Levi said instead of Kylie. 'Levi I never knew your name was Kylie.' Kylie said crossing her arms.
Alex looked back at her tray to see her dessert back to where it was. 'Whoa, thanks.' Alex said surprised by the ice cream sitting in front of her.