'So then we got into an awesome helicopter and we were brought- hey are you even listening?' Alex asked her brother Jake.
'Yeah of course.' He said while tapping furiously on his video game controller.
'Ok who was I stuck on the island with?' She asked him. 'Uhhh, Mason?' He said. 'Lucky guess.'
'Alex go and get your things ready for school tomorrow.' Their mum shouted. 'On it!' Alex shouted back
She ran up to her room to get her backpack
What, where is it She thought and just a few seconds later it came flying across the room.
Just then Justin came running into her room. 'Oh hi Alex I definitely wasn't playing catch with your backpack.'
'Dude!' Alex said 'Hey don't dude me, dude Max as well.' Justin said as Max ran in. 'Ok, both of you get out of my room before I throw both of you across the room!' Alex said angrily.
She picked up her bag to see if anything was broken.
'Hey, Alex.' Leon said running into her room.