ch 5. rivals

"can we talk?!" jimin was nervous, i saw that immidiatly. i nodded and we went to a quiet corner. "sorry about friday" he started. i shrugged my shoulders. of course i was dissapointed. "how...should i say it... uh... i somehow got myself a boyfriend" there it was... the dreadfull word "boyfriend". i gulped. "who and how?" he smiled shy and took a breath. "the party u didnt want to go? i was there and .... i got drunk, i danced and he drove me home" "okay.... gentleman like" jiminie fumbled with his hands. i knew that there was more.... "jimin?" "hm... we... kinda... fucked? and now he is my boyfriend" i gulped again, felt a stone in my stomach. "jimin?! u fucked with a stranger? drunk?" i was furious. he got more nervous. "joon... i knew him since years" i was surprised. "its jungkook" he whispered.

"what?!?! kook??? the playboy? who fucks everyone who is not on a tree by 1, 2, 3?! and u fucked with him?! are u stupid?! he is not serious with everything. he is only taking advantage of u! dont be so fucking stupid!" i was really angy. jimins eyes became teary and he sniffed, but oh holy fuck, he got mad at me. "listen! he is not what u think he is! he was nice, he likes me, he introduced me to his mom! he wants me to be his boyfriend and i want him too. u are my best friend joon! u should be happy for me! u should be there, when i need advice or have questions!"

i looked surprised at him. he was right, if we were simple friends, i would be happy for him, but ... in my mind, he belonged to me and i was scared since i found out what i felt for him, that some day, he would find someone else. i sighed and rubbed my face.

"sorry, u are right. i am happy for u, but excuse that i am concerned. its fucking jungkook, for fucks sake" he smiled and hugged me. "but i tell u, he is good to me" i hugged him back, secretly inhaled his scent. oh how i missed him. "okay, but u give me a chance, when he hurts u, i have your permission to kick his ass" jimin bursted out in laughter. "yeah, if u must" "i must"

after his confession, i looked for hope. i needed his smile to feel better. "hey!" i grinned at him. "hey, what are u doing here?" "its schoolday, where should i be?" i scoffed. "i know, but... i mean here" he pointed at his class room. "just needed to see u" "ah....okay? whats on your mind? something bad happend?" i just hugged him, sighed and pressed a kiss onto his head. "joon! we are in school!" "dont care baby" hobi laught his wonderful laugh and backed away. "do we see us later?!" i nodded. "good. see u later, big guy"


my mom had her serious talk after i drove jimin home. a bit late for that, but ok. she wasnt pissed at me, but surprised. "mom, i am old enough. i had sex before, i know all the things to know. i use condoms. and sorry, that we were doing it under your roof, but u shouldnt have eardropped on us" i looked with a smirk and a raised brow. mom shook her head. "better under my roof, than on the backseats of your car" oh, if she only knew....

"so u wont have a problem, if jimin will sleep over from time to time?" she looked at me, tilted her head and sighed. "just... tell me before u ll bring him over, so i will put my earplugs in" i had to chuckle. she caressed my head and sighed again. "u grown up too fast... now u having a boyfriend and sex.... still dont know if i like it or not" "mom... didnt u had a boyfriend already at my age?" she slapped my head. "still.... oh god! i was wild.... dont be like that!" we laught.

at school, i looked for my boy, found him and infront of all, i kissed him. now everybody knew that he was mine. some looked surprised, about my choice, some where utterly angry, that i officialy had someone, some just shrugged their shoulders.

hand in hand i walked him to his classes, ran and waited after every period for him infront of his door, i was the picture perfect boyfriend. at lunch, we sat together with my friends and joon. my friends were still not over it and looked from jimin to me and back. joon just glarred at me the whole time. what was his problem?!"

after i brought jimin to the sportshall, joon pulled me into a corner. "i know u are a fucking fuckboy, but jimin likes u. if u ever hurt him...." i raised my hands. "i know, u will hurt me" "hurt?! i will destroy u, jeon! never hurt him! never make him cry!" i sighed. "kim.... i really really like him, okay?! he is the most amazing guy ever and i am so happy that he wants me. i will not dissapoint him in anyway" joon didnt say a thing, just looked at me. i couldnt made out, what was going on in his mind, but i could tell, that jimin meant a huge deal to him. kinda more than just simple friends. i was confused about it. could it be..... naaaaa


i had to admit, that i was embarrassed. i sat there quietly and didnt try to look at kooks mom. kook thought it was funny. idiot! but it was my fault too. i let it happen. shit... thats sooooo embarrassing! but his mom talked normally with us.

when kook kissed me infront of the almost whole school, i was again embarrassed and proud. he walked me to every class, joon was his normal self, after i told him. everything was great!

everyday, kook picked me up in the morning and drove me back home after school. if i doubt ever, after joons speech, i lost it now. kook was the perfect boyfriend.

he never initiated anything, it was mostly me. i knew he wanted me to feel safe with him, but i got impatient, when we cuddled in his or mine bed, or on the backseats of his car. "why dont u already kiss, touch or fuck me by now?! am i am not sexy enough for u?" he shook his head and smirked. "u want me to ravish u everytime we have the chance?!" he looked at me with a raised brow. i nodded fastly. "yeah!" he chuckled. "jimin.... i want u to know that u arent just a hole to work on for me" "i know.... but...." he shut me up with his mouth. we were on that hill again. as he devoured my lips and tongue, i rubbed his dick. he groaned into my mouth and shoved me onto his lap. we made out for some moments, until i felt his hard dick in his pants, i grinned at him, shoved myself down, opend fastly his jeans and sucked immidiatly only the tip. kook flinshed and growled. "dont.... jimiiiiiii" i smirked with his throbbing dick in me and teased him even more. i felt happy, lucky, whole today. i finally had someone, that loved me. i wanted to show him, how happy i was.

kook groaned again loudly, pulled me harshly up and layed me down on the seats. "why..." "i dont want to come now, i have plans" "ooohhhhh.... than do your best" i smirked again. he hissed, spread one of my legs, the other layed on his shoulder and pushed in. the stretch was massive again, but i enjoyed it now, his pace was fast from the beginning, didnt gave me any time to take a breath. "" he panted hard into my ear, glarred at me, while fucking me to heaven, or hell.

we sat there in silence. panting, sweating. kook sighed frustrated and wiped his wet forhead. he was angry?! i looked at him and touched his arm. "are u pissed?" he looked back at me. "jimin.... dont push me ever. i might hurt u" "when did i push u?" kook sighed hissed at me and looked down. "i dont know.... i just snapped. sorry. but u teased me too much.... i .... sorry.... did i hurt u?!" i was surprised. "no" i shook my head. "u didnt... i enjoyed it very much, almost fainted again" he looked again at me, leaned forward and kissed me softly. "good.... sorry again" i giggled. "dont feel bad, okay?! and sorry if i teased u, although i really wanted to" he huffed a laugh out. "i think i have some wet wipes here around.... we need to clean u" he pursed his lips. i tilted my head and than it clicked. "oh shit!" he nodded. "yeah shit.... we forgot" "did u had them here anyway?" he grinned like a schoolboy and shook his head. "didnt thought that we might fuck" "jeon jungkook!" "what?!" "always be prepare for that, when u are with me" "whoa.... jimin?!" "what? we are in the prime of our sexual life and we are together and i want to feel u everytime we see us. dont give me the "slut" look!"

he just laught and hugged me.


joon picked me up after school. we drove to my place. as he drove, i glanced at him from time to time. he was diffrent today. kinda angry and sad at the same time.

deep down, i knew i wasnt the ONE for him, i felt that there was somebody else. and still i knew what i got myself into, when i agreed to be his boyfriend. or fuckbuddy. we didnt talked about our status yet. i knew he liked me, i knew if that someone wouldnt gave him a chance, we would have. and all my feelings were built on that. i hoped he would be there for me as a whole, not the now half.

i was patient. i would fight for him, if the time came. i wouldnt let him go without a fight. i wanted him, i needed him.

he sighed and looked quickly to me. he smiled and rubbed my thigh. "are u okay?" "hm" i nodded. "u?" "was a hard day" "wanna talk about it?" he shook his head. "nope.... i only want u in my arms, thats all i need" i needed to smile widely. "okay"

he slept in my arms, half on me. i caressed his hair and face. looked at him. my heart hurt. i was already too involved in this....whatever we were, if he would left me, i would be destroyed for a long time. "i love u" i whispered and kissed his head. joon held me tighter in his sleep.

i had to find out who my rival was. i had to.