ch 16. new couples, new chances


it was just for hope. thats why i met with him.

we sat there and ate our icecream, waiting for the other to start.

"so... u and hope?" "yeah, kinda happened." "congrats" "thanks"....silence again.

joon shuffled in his chair. he felt the same as i felt. uncomfortable.

"listen.... i apologize" "okay?" "but he didnt cheat on u" "i know. u love him?" "what..." "hobi told me" "oh... yeah. i love him" "u know he doesnt know?!" he nodded. "wow... if that wasnt so sad, i would laugh right now" "tsss, dont be an asshole" "u know, i always tried to wrap my mind around that big shadow, that was behind jimin all the time. tryin to figure out, who it was,..... and it made me crazy, made me doubt jimin and myself. it was always u" "still no excuse for your behaviour" "i know and i dont take it as an excuse, but it was a reason. i loved him. he was the first boy i loved... are u in a relationship?" he shook his head.

"jimin moved on, why dont u?!" he looked distraught. almost crushed. "sorry... i didnt wanted to sound so harsh on u" "its ok. and u are right. i think" "either u tell him what u feel for him, finally, or u start your fucking life, joon. dont wait for him to get it on his own." "since when did u grow up so fast?!" he looked baffled. "since i am with hope and have a great mentor in jin" "wow.... maybe i should start as a drag queen too?" i laughed out loud. "naaaa, u wont make a good queen. are u comming to one of our shows?!" "yeah, jimin wants too" "great! time for your confession" "argh...."

i grinned all way home. somehow i felt pitty on him, somehow i was amused. but i didnt wanna be in his shoes. it was time to see jimin.



he was here. what the fuck?! what was he doing here?! he stood there with a smug face. my mom was confused.

"are u yoongi?" "no, sorry. i am taehyung. u can say tae" "u are a friend of jimin?" "boyfriend" "i thought it was yoongi???.....JIMIN???!!!"

as i ran down the stairs, i froze.

"what are u doing here?" "hey shorty! i thought of u and the next second i was here" "haaaaa" "i didnt know u have a new boyfriend" my mom looked at me funny. shit.... "i... haaaaaaa.... this is tae, looks like he is going to stay for some time" i looked at tae and he gave me a nod with his stupid grin on his face. i rolled my eyes and sighed. why the hell was he here?! i thought i would have time to think about all. what i wanted. who i wanted. but nooooo, he had to stand my my door. shit!

"good, than bring your boyfriend upstairs, let him settle in and u come right down in the kitchen, we need to talk" my mom gestured us. "thank u, mrs. park" he grinned again and walked behind me. shit, i am in big trouble.

"since when u have a new boyfriend? u told me about yoongi yesterday. and now there is this guy. another boyfriend....oh my god, jimin! are u driving two lines?! u were not raised like this! and i thought u would be ending with joon after all! what the hell is going on, son?! wait until your father gets home!" oh shit!

"mom! calm down!" i gestured her to sit down. i took a big breath. "i am confused as u.... yeah officially i am together with yoongi, but.... we have problems. i think he is fed up with me for some reasons. tae..." i sighed big again. "... just bursted into my life, like a restistant bacteria and .... we somehow clicked. i thought i would use those weeks to figure out, if i should try to find a way with yoongi, or break it off and start with tae. and joon.... is another story. he is my best friend mom" "u were together! and he loves u, i can see that" "he loves me as a brother, nothing more, mom. it was a short "maybe", thats all. i was hurt after kook and he helped me through it" "jimin.... u are so cruel" "cruel?" she sighed and kissed my forhead. "nevermind. tae can stay, but u need to explain all to your father too. now go to tae. i ll go to the market"

i thought about what my mother told me. naaaaa, joon is joon. he is my "bestest" friend in the world. he didnt "love" me. she was wrong. he would told me!

i opened the door and was ready to confront tae.

"what the hell?" "nice to see u too" "tae?" he came close to me and hugged me. "i missed u" "duh." "as i said, i thought about u and there i was" "how do u know my adress?" "u told me and discribed your street and house" "oh... i did...." "is it really so bad, that i am here?" i sighed and sat on my bed, shook my head. "nooooo.... just... i ..." "u needed time to figure out?" i nodded. "sorry" "u are here now anyway and yoongi didnt call me for 9 days now. wont pic up my calls either. i think.... did he break up with me???" "looks like, shorty"

"shit... how will it be, when we come back to the dorm? we share a fucking room!" "dont worry about that now, come here" he hugged me again and swayed from left to right. "in the end all will be settled and clear" "hope so"

"so this is your room....hmmm.... interesting. nice" "thanks, i guess" "whats interesting in this town?" "lake, mountain, ....i dont know" i shrugged. i felt his hands in my hair, stroking them soflty. i looked up to him and he played with my lips. we kissed long and gently. i had to admit, that i had missed him. i liked to feel him.

we ended in my bed, still fooling around, but with less and less clothes. our kisses became more passionate, our hands harsher.

"no fucking! mom is downstairs" "she is shopping" "still. dad will come home soon" "i dont wanna fuck u now. i need lots of time for that, what i wanna do with u" "time? like?" "a whole afternoon or a whole night and no one who disturbs us" "oh....u are showing off!" he chuckled. "maybe"

we fooled around, he gave me another blowjob, but this time, he also fingered me. funny thing was, his fingers reminded me of yoongis. they had the same long thin fingers and he was as wonderful as yoongi. he made me undone in minutes.

"should u?" i panted breathless. he shook his head. "no, i am good, thank u" "u are not hard?" "i am" "why..." he chuckled and walked to the bathroom. "i dont wanna scare u" "huh? with what?" "u will see soon, shorty" he closed the door and i could hear him moaning lowly. what did he mean?! scared? from what? him?



"u okay, babe?" kook groaned and backhugged me. "was interesting....why are u cooking?" "interesting? how? and yeah, why not" "cause u cant cook. let me do it, open the wine and sit on your pretty butt" so i did. i wasnt mad. he was right. my cooking was at best tasteless.

i poured us two glasses and watched him cook. "so?" "he is a poor bastard!" "how so?" "with jimin? waiting for him to aknowledge his feelings for him. no thank u. i dont want that for me" "hmmm, must be excruciating for him" "he cheated on u" "yeah and thats why we are here now. together" "true." he kissed me. "yum yum! u taste like wine!" i laughed.

"he wants to come with jimin to one of our shows and maybe confess his feelings" "u dont say! really? finally! i hope jimin feels the same" "he has a boyfriend" "i forgot that. shit" "i need to speak with him anyway, so i could find out, how he feels about joon" "are u gonna cheat on me?" i joked of course. "idiot! jimin and i are now only friends!" "i know" "still nice that u get jealous!" "i am not and i wasnt" "reeeeaaallllyyyyy???" "shut up!"

"yeah, shut up kookie" a voice from the door shook us. i jumped from my chair and saw a laughing jin.

"JIN!" unisono kook and i. "whats for dinner?" "nothing for u! u gave my boyfriend almost a heart attack!" "oh...poor hope. i am so sorry" "if u didnt say that in a robotic voice, i would believe u" i scoffed and sat back on my chair. jin laughed again and made himself comfortable next to me. "so boys, how was your day?" "how was yours?" kook looked suspicious at him. "nothing much....only had the best sex of my life" "WHAT?!" unisono again. he told us about his new boyfriend, paul. he was a banker, owned a nice little house, not far away from us, he was mild tempered, well mannered, soft spoken, nice, gentle, a gentleman throughout. "and he is hung like a horse!" "JIN!" unisono. jin laughed hard. "its true! i never thought he would be like a beast in bed! so opposite of his normal behaviour! to say that i was surprised or shocked would be an understatement! he went beserk on me! its a wonder i can still use my legs! it was amazing! sorry if i hurt your feelings, but he so much better than anybody" "no no, its okay... i think" i waved. kook smirked. "better than us, huh? congrats" "does he likes roleplay?" "dont know yet. but he likes me having my heels on in bed" "ugh....tmi, mother!" kook looked disgusted at him, what made me laugh.



happy as ever, i walked up to jiminies door and was surprised with a stranger. "he-hello?" the guy licked his waterice and looked me up and down. "u one of shorties friends?" "shorty?...oh jiminie?! yes" "SHORTY?! U HAVE A VISITOR" he yelled, turned back to me. "nice to meet u, i am taehyung" taehyung? who the hell is he???

jiminie came running, with a red face and breathless. "oh hey, joonie! come in! do u want some icecream?!" "" "wanna come in?" i nodded, still confused.

we walked into the kitchen. "coffee?" i nodded. "wanna cold americano?" "yes, please" as jiminie was making my coffee, the guy gave him a kiss on the cheek. "going in the garden and play with the neighbours dog! call me" "okay. later" "hm" he went out.

"who is that?" "taehyung" jiminie turned to me and gave me my drink. "who is he?" "i just told u" "u know what i mean" "he is on my uni" he avoided my eyes. than i saw it. big fat marks on both sides of the crook of his neck. my stomach dropped.

"he is your boyfriend?!!!" "what? didnt say that" "dont need to." and pointed to his neck. one of his hands tried to cover them up. "oh...." "i thought u are with yoongi?! what happened?" i was pissed. hurt. disappointed.

jiminie sighed. "i think yoongi stooped me up and somehow tae took his chance....kinda... i dont really know whats going on right now, but i ... am with him now... kinda" "wow great explaination" it came out bitter. "are u angry with me?" i stood up. "i am" "why?!" was he that dense?!

"jimin.... u dont get it, do u" "what?" "forget it" "no, tell me! we are friends, joon!" "are u stupid?! first u told me all about yoongi, how perfect he was, how amazing the sex was, how much u loved him, that was just 2 weeks ago and now this guy is all of the sudden here and he is your new boyfriend?! what the fuck, jimin?!" "things can change quickly" "oh yeah? first big love for yoongi and like a snap, its somebody else? no crying, no nothing?! with kook u at least aknowledged your broken heart.... i never thought u would be so heartless!" "i am not heartless! yoongi ignored me for weeks" "all of the sudden?!" "not all of the sudden. we had exams, didnt see us a lot, or anything" "oh wow... u get ignored for some days, cause of uni and u let somebody else fuck u. since when are u an attention whore?!" "what?! how dare u?!"

"then explain it to me! u lied to me, telling me everything is pink and roses for u and yoongi, now it wasnt. he wasnt paying attention to u, so u went to that guy instead. what are u? a spoiled trophy wife, who is pissed and entilted? or are u so needy of beeing fucked? poor yoongi!" jimin had tears in his eyes after my outburst.

"i am no trophy wife....a-and.... he annoyed me. he was where i was. he never gave up. i was so wasted at a party and .... we fucked.... and i.... i missed the sex. yoongi and i didnt do it for a long time. he only came home for some hours and just slept. i know it was the stress and that we were busy and stuff. it wasnt my attention to fuck with tae. okay?! it happened. i felt really bad about it. and guilty. but, joon.... he couldnt get away from me as fast as possible, when vacation time started! and he didnt call nor picked up his phone for weeks now. i think he broke it off.... and i am the idiot, not noticing it!"

"still doesnt explain, why he is here now" "he stood at my door suddenly yesterday. i was shocked, okay?! never thought he would come here. i thought i would have the time to figure out what i want. yoongi or him, or nobody. and now he is here" his tears streamed down.

i sighed. "he told my mom that he is my boyfriend. i had an embarrassing talk with my parents" he whiped his cheeks harshly with his hand. "why cant u just stand your ground for once and tell him that?! it sounds like he is forcing u to be his boyfriend" jimin sighed. "i want to be with him, joon. but i am so fucking confused! i dont even had the time to process the yoongi thing, let alone, alowed my brain process all the feelings"

"then tell him" "i will. i am an idiot, u are right with that. but.... i dont know... why is dating so hard? why are relationships so confusing?!"

oh boy....

"just think of it. we will see us on the weekend, okay?!" he nodded and i walked to my car. always drama with jimine..... fucking idiot! but my fucking idiot.....unfortunatly.

maybe i really should move on.....