ch 18. can u be underwhelmed?!

joon picked jimin and tae up and they finally went to the famous club. exciting they sat down on their reserved table, ordered their drinks, waited for the show to beginn. the room filled with people, paul also came, as always. hobi walked in his best sexy swing, on murderous heels, to their table and smiled big.

"hello, strangers"

jimins drink spilled out of his mouth and glass, down on his pants. joons eyes blinked for a lot of times, like he had a tick or something. tae stared at her with an opened mouth, forgot to breath for a second.

mercyless hope looked funny at them. didnt they really recognize him? how fucking great was his make-up today?! she smiled widley again.

"how are your drinks?!" jimin jumped up from his seat, looking at the mess he made. "shit... that were my favourite jeans! is there a bathroom?" hope nodded. "come, i ll show u" "thank u" jimin walked behind the queen and admired her walk. heels really did great things to butts and legs!

"holy shit! was that.... hobi???" joon was still dumbfounded. tae looked at him. "who? the queen? u know her?!" joon nodded. "i think.... if its really hobi?!" "who is hobi?" "a friend of ours.... and my ex..." "oh. than u should know if its him" joon looked at tae with a tilted head. "i mean... its his butt, but... i dont know for sure" he pouted. tae gave him a laugh. he liked joon, even tho he didnt really talked to him and mostly looked kinda pissed at him. but he was jimins best friend. so he tried his best to break the ice.

"so....ex. how did that happen?" "hm.... i cheated. i regret it. he forgave me a while ago" "nice. so u are back together?" "no, he is with jiminies ex now" "jimins ex?" joon nodded. "he should be here too, somewhere" he looked around. "what was his name?" "hobi?" "no, jimins ex" "oh, jungkook. first boyfriend, first lovestory" joon grinned and rolled his eyes. "bad break up?" "absolutley, but they are okay now" "ah, ok" joon looked at tae and smirked. "it was kooks jealousy. jiminie is not fond of it" "oh... thanks"

"hey boys! i am diamond" both looked up and again, mouth fell open. "hi.... o h m y g o d ! its u" tae turned to joon. "who?" "kookie?" diamond grinned wide and waved. "not tonight" "wow! u look amazing! was that hobi a second ago?" "yeah... u didnt notice?" "sorry... with all the hair, make-up and stuff... i mean, i recognize the butt" kook laughed out loudly. "yeah, i know. all okay here? where is jimin?" "he was so ... surprised, that he spilled his drink onto his jeans, bathroom" kookie laughed again. "he will never change. hi... who are u?" "tae" "hi, tae" "hey, diamond kook" "he is jimins new boyfriend" kook looked surprised and pitty at joon. "oh... i am confused, sorry" "no problem. everybody expected yoongi, right? sorry for the confusion" "its ok.... so sit tight boys, the show will start soon! see yah!"

as dimaond waked back behind stage, tae looked closer at joon. he saw the look on kooks face. there was something unspoken what was between joon, kook and somehow jimin.

"i know u were pissed at jimin, because of me" joon turned to him, looked him up and down. "pissed.... not really the emotion i am and was. its his life, its his decision. but we all were surprised, thats all" "i dont wanna be the nail in your relationship" "u arent. we are still strong" joon wanted to end the conversation and relax, but tae wasnt having it.

"the last months were really hard for jimin. i was there for him and i will not hurt him, okay?" "okay, if u say so. but tae? what if yoongi wants to be with him again, after the vacation? and he never officially broke it off with him. he just didnt pick up his phone" "isnt that a sign for breaking up with somebody?" joon grimaced and hummed. "who knows. we dont know how yoongi is" "i know him" "okay?"

in this second, the show started. ruby j made her entrance. everybody whistled and clapped. one guy (paul) gave even standing ovations, which ruby j rewarded with a flying kiss.

"and now ladies and mostly gentlemen! diamond will show u, what lady gaga cant! enjoy!"

jimin came out of the bathroom and was surprised to see the queen still there, waiting for him. "thanks, i think i got all out" "great, than u should go back to joon and the other dude" "u know joon?" "its me, u idiot!" "huh?!" "hope?!" "jhope?!" "yes, u blind moron!" "oh my fucking fairy.... wow! u look so diffrent!" "of course! and kook is right now on stage, so park your ass back on your seat" "okay...wait! thats kookie?!" hobi rolled his eyes. "u are really stupid, u know that?!" "hey! dont be mean!" "go!"

"thats kookie!" jimin breathless stated, as he was back at his table. joon laughed and pulled him down. "yeah we noticed" "WOW...." with stary eyes jimin watched kooks performance and gave immidiate standing ovations after. diamond waved at him and walked back behind the curtain. some other queens gave their show and the boys had a blast.

"u were awsome!" jimin hugged kook. "thank u" kook laughed and stroked his long hair back. "why did u change? i wanted to see more of diamond!" joon stated. "after hours in make-up, fake boobs, tight dresses and high heels, u will be happy to be u again, joon" he sat down next to tae. "ohhh, i wanted to examine diamond! what are u doing with your dick, by the way? i didnt saw a bulge in your dress" jimin shocked everyone with his question. kook bursted out in giggles. "thats a secret i am not gonna share with u" "jooooon?!" jimin whined. joon shook his head. "nada! nope! i will not tell u either" "i ll wait for hobi" jimin crossed his arms and pouted. "he will not tell u either" "u are all mean!" tae grinned, leaned to jimins ear "i ll explain later" "thank u" jimin whispered back and gave him a fast peck.

after hobi and jin also changed and sat the boys table with paul, they chatted. the club was empty by now, only the bar"girls" were still cleaning.

jin poured another drinks and smiled. "we should have that agaes ago! its really nice!" all agreed.


joon drove jimin and tae home, drove to his house, sat still in his car and sighed. he wasnt in the mood to stay at home alone. he needed a body. a warm body.

his phone suddenly rang.

"yeah?" "our car wont work" joon gave a chuckle out. "i ll be there in 10"

he pulled up at the club and waited for them to sat down in his car. "thanks! u are a savior" kook sighed tired. "how far away do u two live?" "just down two blocks" "and u need my car..." "try be in heels the whole day and night" "right!" hobi tuned in. "okay, okay"

joon drove them home. "good night guys" "wanna come with us?" "huh?" "come on, joon! i know that your parents arent home and u cant sleep well alone" hobi smirked. "yeah, come on, i am exhausted" kook yawned. joon looked at them and got out of his car.

joon took a shower, the others already had theirs in the club, came out in a towel. hobi whistled and waved with his tips. joon laughed and shook his head. "stop that horny idiot and give me some clothes to wear" "how about these?" hobi threw a pair of kooks sweats. "thanks"

kook layed on the bed, only in boxers, played with his phone. hobi had also shorts on, but also a tshirt. joon looked around the bedroom, he rubbed his neck. "where is the couch or the guestroom?" "u could sleep in jins room, but he hates strangers in his bed, so no. the sofa in the livingroom is not comfortable for sleeping, fucking is okay, but not sleeping. and my former room is our walk-in-closet now..." "funny. should i sleep on the floor?" joon pointed at it. "he meant in our bed, u moron!" kook tuned in. "oh... dont think it will fit all of us" joon looked sceptical. "ah, it will be ok. like in tetris" hobi stated and also layed down. joon shrugged and they became a sandwich with hobi filling.

joon felt immidiatly relaxed. he inhaled the familiar scent of hobi, felt kooks arms on his body. in seconds he fell asleep.


"sooooo kook?" "yeah....whats with him?" "u were together" "oh.... long time ago" "u never told me about him" "hm... we had a bad fall out" "sorry for that" "but he apologized and we are friends now" "i heard" "from whom?" "joon" "oh...couldnt shut his big mouth, huh?!" jimin huffed. "ugh... i am still wet" tae grinned and wiggled his brows. "nice" "from the drink and water, horny pig!" tae laughed and pulled jimin on the bed. "i could dry u up?" "u wanna dry me up.... didnt u want make me always wet?" "u just said, i am a horny pig and now u are...huh?" tae smirked. "wipe that grin from your face!" "never" tae chuckled and played catch with jimins mouth.

they stared to make-out, a steamy one. jimin was naked asap, tae was still in his underwear. jimin turned them both over and teased taes skin. he took a liking in teasing him. it was his favourite joy. as always tae wasnt having it for to long. so he truned them again, preparing his jimin. "u ready, wonderul?" "what u think?! get it on!" "so so greedy" "i thought u liked that on me?" jimin huffed. tae grinned and pushed in harshly. "mmmhhh fffffffuuuuuucckk" jimin pressed out.

"i thought u liked my big cock" tae huffed and went on a fast pace. "asshole" tae grinned and thrusted deeper, like jimin always liked. he studied jimins face, while doing it, he examined every movement, every emotion, every little detail. it was fascinating. he felt great, he felt amazing, all thanks to his jimin.

suddenly tae stopped all movements. "u can be overwhelmed...but can u be underwhelmed?" jimin stared at him dumbfounded. "come again?" "can u be underwhelmed?!" "are u fucking kidding me right now?" he looked furious. "i was almost there!" jimin complained with a whine. "sorry.... i just lost focus... i thought about how overwhelmed i was with our relationship and mostly of u and...." "stop fucking babbling and fuck meeeeeee" jimins fist pulled taes head by his hair to his face. "fuckmerightnoworiwillfuckumyselfsoharduwontwalktomorrow!!!!" jimin growled. tae looked big and moved his hips again. "better" jimin moaned.