ch 20. current boyfriend vs exboyfriend

joon stayed the whole week with kook and hobi. they invited him.

"u are not ...jealous, or something? i mean your man..." joon asked kook, as they hung around the sofas. kook looked at him from the corners of his eyes. "nope. that doesnt mean that he isnt mine, or that i dont love him, but... " he sighed. "but what?" "we moved in here with jin, we had kinda always threesomes, we liked it. and hobi and i werent together at that time. since jin found his love and moved to paul and hobi and i became a couple, we didnt had anyone included in our activities" "okay?! why now?" "its fun, it helps. we like it, just... we trust u, i trust hobi, he me and ... u dont like it?" "are u kidding? i just never thought... u know... we have history" "but?" "i like it and thanks for trusting me, i think" they grinned at each other.

"joon?" "yeah" "would u have a problem, if u fuck me tonight?" joon sat up straight and turned fully to him. "what?!" "would u?" "u want me.... to ..." "fuck me, yeah" "hobi?" "wont have a problem" "okay" "great... between us, i always wanted to know, how u would feel inside me" joon couldnt help but blush for a bit. "did hobi told u?" "of course!" "of course"


jimin yawned and stretched his body. after the talk with joon and more talk with tae, he felt new, better and happy again. funny, how fast he could feel bad with himself. he knew it was stupid, but.... his insecurities sometimes always popped up from nowhere.

tae looked at him. "if u are bored, we could watch another movie" "hm... " jimin smirked and sat on taes lap. "in fact, i have another movie in mind" "oh? what movie?" "u will see" his hands were on taes chest, his hips moved in circles, made tae leaning back on the sofa. "that movie... nice" jimin grinned, opened taes jeans and shoved his hand in. "oh i see. u were bored of that movie too! ha!" he nibbled on taes neck, found his lips and they started a hot make-out.

"i should take care of that" jimin whispered into taes ear. "yes u should" jimin shook with a smile his head and got down from the sofe, kneeled infront of tae and kissed the hard dick up and down. he took more time with the tip until tae groaned out and pulled him up. "shit.... dont torture me here" "oh poor baby" jimin got out from his sweats, held the dick stable and slowly pushed on it down. "no lube? preparation?" jimin shook his head and huffed. "no....not tonight" he slowly started to move, watched taes face and enjoyed it. this was him! he made tae feel good! HIM! with his new boost of confident, he worked on tae.

"shit....jimin....oooohhhh wow.....oh shit.....fuck....fuck...fuck.....jimin!" "wow, u use your words really good, how romantic u are" jimin mocked, while riding tae harder. "u can have me romantic after it, but... this....jimin! fuck, u are the best....hngh...shit shit shit" jimmin grinned wide. "am i the best u ever had?" fast nodding from tae. "am i all u want" again fast nodding with a growl. "thank u tae" "oh shut up! u know that u are the hottest guy on the fucking planet, now please! make me come!" he pleaded. jimin smirked big. "u wanna come" "yeah....fuck" "i dont know... should i?" "jimin, please" "u sound great, begging" "jimin" "i want u to ravish me, later. i want your tongue in me" "i ll do anything" "good" he moved faster and made himself and tae undone.

"fuuuuuuuuuuckkkkkk....shit....hmmmmm....that was good" taes head leaned back on the sofa and he enjoyed the last waves of his climax. jimin still sat on him and panted. "ufff.... i dont wanna move" "than stay" tae sighed and rubbed jimins thighs. "so u want to ride my face again?" "oh....yeah" "u like my tongue?" "i love it" "u can always have it"

jimin was hungry, so tae made him a late dinner. without any pants, they sat down and ate, joked around. tae was happy, that jimin was himself again. he was scared the shit out, after he saw him so ...defestated. after his conversation with joon and learning about jimins past, he understood. and moreso, that he had to be careful, when they would have fights. he couldnt be cruel, or an ass, if he was pissed. not like with the others. jimin was special, he could hurt him really really bad and tae was sure, if that happened, joon or kook, or both would hack him into pieces. he had to be careful with his words.

tae looked jimin up and down. he raised his brows, hodded his eyes. "u know.... shit, u could beat the crap out of me, if u wanted" "wha?" "look at your muscles!" "from dancing" "oh yeah? still" "are u scared now?" "no.... but u dont need joon, kook or me to save u" "oh? but i like u saving me" "dont be a princess! only men with low esteem need the damsel in distress" "and u arent?" "excuse me?! i am tae!" jimin laughed. "so i need to save u?" "u could" "wow... great. i would do that" "perfect" "princess" "hey! i am not!" "i think pink would look good on u!" "i dont think so" "wait, i think i have something in my closet!" "JIMIN?!"


yoongi was conflicted. he sat on the barchair, watched his friends get drunk and thought suddenly about jimin. he didnt talked with him, didnt texted him, he ghosted him and he didnt knew why.

yoongi only felt, that he needed time to process his relationship with jimin. he never got so involved with someone else, at least with someone he fucked. he wasnt the relationship man, he wasnt interested to ... be more interested in someone, than just fucking and bye. jimin was his room mate, so he couldnt just threw him out, but.... it was nice, sleeping next to him, having him in his arms, kissing him in the morning, he could talk about everything with him, he was interested in his hobbies. and he loved to cook for jimin. what was going on?!

he never missed a fucking partner, only his true friends. he never thought about any of his "victims".

"shit...." "whats wrong yoongi boy?" he looked to his friend and put his chin on his hand. "nothing....just thinking" "about what?" his friend shoved another drink to him, gulped his half down. "u know i never get attached to anybody i fuck with" "oh, shit! u got hitched?" "what?" "u finally found someone, who isnt giving into your crap?!" "funny" yoongi grumbled. "shit... listen here! u never and i mean NEVER let anybody behind those walls u have around u. u never kissed anyone u fucked with, u never were nice to them. u treated them like shit" "thank u for your analysis on me, doctor" "shut up, shithead! u know its true" "hm" "so who is the unicorn?" "jimin, my room mate" his friend scoffed and grinned. "fuck.... and? why arent u with him?" "he is at his home" "so? u could split your free time. we wouldnt care" "i think .... shit... i blew it off" "yoongi!" "what?!" "why?" yoongi sighed and took a sip. "i dont understand it either, ok." "oh wow... " he laughed hard suddenly. yoongis head came up and looked confused at him. "when u going back, its gonna be awkward!" "shit.... i didnt thought of that" "u are a stupid fucking moron, u know that?" "asshole" "yeah, but i am not in love with my room mate" "who said i am in love with him?" his friend sighed and shook his head. "u really are a fucking moron!"


hobi sat on the bed, watching his boyfriend with his exboyfriend. joon gave it good to kook. he never heard him moan like that with anyone. a bit jealous, he leaned in closer to feel kooks lips. "is joon good?" he whispered. kook nodded and whined out. "u like it?" kook nodded again. "if u have a problem, i can stop, hope" joon husked. "no! he likes it so much! dont stop, i dont have a problem... its just so amazing to watch him like this" hobi gave joon a smile.

kook on all four, almost collapsed after a good thrust from behind. hobi shook his head and smiled. "newbies.... they dont really know how to handle it" he looked with a smirk to joon, what made him huff. "dont make me laugh, hobi" "oh i remember... ha!" hobi laughed, but stopped and focused on his boyfriend again.

"u close kookie?" "hrghgnnnn" "joon? try more up, there is his weakness" joon nodded and changed his angle. kook yelped and fell head down on the bed. his arms couldnt support his trembling body anymore. joon held onto kooks neck and went on harder. kook whined louder and joon noticed that he just had his climax. some hard thrusts more and he collapsed on kooks body.

"shit......shit..." joon huffed, pulled out of kook and layed next to him. "fuck!"

hobi grinned. "he is great, isnt he?" "yeah.... did u fucked him?" "uhm... once..." "why not more?" "i like having it, than giving it" joon scoffed with a smile. "u should do it from time to time, he really likes it" "dont talk about me, like i am not here" kook complained and heaved his body up on his ellbows. hobi laughed. "wow your face is... red..." "shut up!" "why didnt u asked hope to do it from time to time?" joon asked him. "i was embarrassed" "idiot! ask me from now on!" hobi scolded him. "okay.... fuuuuuckkkk.... is it bleeding? u really had no mercy, shithead" kook growled at joon. joon spread kooks cheeks and checked. "nope, no blood and i am careful!" hobi shook his head at the two.

"soooo... are u ready for another round?!" "u are killing me" joon husked. "u know me" hope just smirked.