chapter #8

—Sir! We found the boy… "He gasped, trying to stare at me.

"And where is he?" I said with patience on the verge of collapsing.

He approached and took his cell phone out of his pocket to show me the photo of Luis talking to a boy in front of the entrance of his school, they were smiling together and he looked too happy I was a little jealous what he saw in front of me, but being honest I could not prevent him from passing with his friends ... I am not his owner.

But that does not prevent him from feeling sad that it is not with me that he spends his time and dedicates his smile to me, my bodyguard Pedro put his cell phone back and without saying a word he left the office, he was alone and empty. I learned that I cannot trust anyone and because I am stupid I give my heart to him without realizing it, I learned from the mistake I made just a few hours ago, I will make this guilt disappear by apologizing to him.

I may buy him some roses that attract his attention and mean my apology to him, I will make him feel the best in the world, when he arrives he will know that this place belongs to him. I walked to my room lying on the bed and remembering his features, remembering the dream where I ran my hands over his delicate body, remembering his green eyes, remembering ... How I felt for him.

I got up when I realized what I was thinking and only in the bathroom I washed my face trying to forget the previous event, when I got up and looked at my face in the mirror I could see small drops that slipped one by one so I just I dried and then left, being on the first floor I ordered them to have a good dinner before I arrived, I felt my cell phone vibrate in my pants pocket and when I looked at who was calling me I left the cabin, staying in the forest that was around .

-What do you need? I said hoarsely.

"You have something to do." I felt frustrated and tired, wanting to refuse to run.

"It's about the Hale family, I need you to kill her." The Hale family, one of the richest families in England and powerful according to arms companies ... ""

What time? Did they raise the cost? I said sarcastically, since he rarely ordered a mission from me and it had to be today.

—I'll give you the details: it's about Amelia, the family's hereditary daughter is linked to the Diávolo and their drugs are being sold behind our backs, they also have the experimental drug Hgm32, I need you to recover her and kill her family, Since they know about the organization, the Hale are very well known so be careful, try to make it something natural -.

"I'll ask Patrick to bring me the best weapons and some reinforcements, so don't worry," he hung up when he finished listening to me, I began to feel the cold sink in my bones so I returned to the cabin, and then called Patrick.

-Friend! You haven't forgotten about me, what a miracle… -

"I need reinforcements for a mission and some of your best weapons," I told him while ordering Melissa that I wouldn't arrive for another month and to let Luis know that forgive me ...

"" Oh! Finally something interesting? Listening to it only made me nostalgic, I had not been able to kill anyone for 1 year and Patrick was my faithful companion.

"Yes, finally something interesting ... But I need you to be ready at 11 pm at the main airport" I hung up and then went up and fixed myself, a white coat with tight black jeans, another shirt over it, but this time without buttoning and finally my blue jacket that only buttons the middle button revealing my open chest, the shoes were made of patent leather.

I combed my hair and put on some black glasses so that no one would recognize me, when I was already leaving before eleven I saw Luis enter the door, he looked at me and then he just looked down and went down the stairs, I could not resist running behind him and when I reached him I grabbed him by the waist so that I could be closer to him and be able to explain.

"Luis I'm sorry I was so rude to you, I really didn't want to hurt you… forgive me," I said sincerely as I stared at him, he just turned and tried to get out of my grip.

-ALREADY! No more! Let me ... I HATE YOU ALL MY FUCKING LIFE CHANGE FOR YOU !! He let go and ran into the bathroom, I was shocked without being able to believe what he said, it was hurtful, but at the same time it caused me an inexplicable emotion. I sat in front of the door and told him…

—In just 2 minutes I have to leave, I will not be able to help you, but I will be in contact, if you want to leave you can leave, but if you do not wish you can stay after all you can also be your home.

I got up and left the room victorious at having been able to speak to him even if it had not been directly, in front of the cabin there were three black cars with armored glass, I entered the first one and I only felt how we were starting, I looked at the trees moving away.

We arrived in front of the airport, we had a private plane, but for safety before arriving the two previous cars stopped, I entered the plane and in front of me was Patrick with several briefcases in sight, with weapons of good projectile until one of the more powerful bombs, I was going to touch them, but Patrick avoided it…

—No, that's not forbidden, there is a wide variety of these weapons so you will only be able to use them while you are inside the mission -

—I'm already inside the mission "

So yes, I did imitate some models, but I made some more powerful, those dogs will be more than roasted," he said while listening to his shrill laugh.

I just left everything as it was and sat in a seat near the window and when taking off after about 20 minutes I wrote to Luis, but at no time did he write to me, so while waiting to reach our destination I had a glass of aged wine Watching the clouds go by, Patrick tried all the time to make a conversation, but it was impossible the air was very tense, so it only took about fifteen more minutes and he ended up sleeping on my shoulder.

When Patrick fell asleep I felt my eyelids heavy and my limbs began to sleep, I tried not to fall asleep, but it was almost impossible the force I felt on my body was superhuman and I saw a stewardess come towards us and sit on a seat staring at us, that fact being the only one that stuck with me before being left in total darkness.




When I woke up I was in the same place as before, surely what I had seen was a simple hallucination I took another bit of the wine that was on the small table next to it, but this wine did not have the sweetness that the previous one had, leaving me a bitter taste In my mouth I moved Patrick's body a little and he opened his eyes showing how green they were and giving a smile with his crooked teeth he got up and stretched his arms.

We fixed the luggage with the help of the hostesses, while we arranged the suitcases and other utensils, some touched me and flirted, I just ignored them, but when we arrived in England they all said goodbye to us with a somewhat strange smile.

In front of us there were six bodyguards who helped us with our luggage and escorted us to the four armored black cars that were in front of the airport, we both got on behind one and in front of us two bodyguards sat down, I put on my black glasses, to then comb my hair back a bit.

On the way I looked at the phone to see a message from Luis, he had only read them and had not answered the 100 messages that I sent him, I just resigned myself and made some calls and then put on a more comfortable outfit, since I was going to be in action.

I put on tight pants and a long-sleeved shirt with a high neck, and then put on a long beige jacket that reached below the knees, although it was a bit uncomfortable since space was limited, but I was able to get dressed.

I got out of the vehicle a few streets behind the Hale house, before arriving, buy some roses and walk calmly to their mansion, with each step I took I felt observed, but surely they were only my assumptions, there was no protection in the inside or outside so I just knocked on the oak door about 3 times and in front of me a woman with gray hair and sweet eyes appeared ... "

Hello!" Baby it's late, what are you doing here? She stroked my arm and then approached my face.

"You shouldn't be walking alone, there is danger in the street," he said, looking at me maliciously.

I couldn't even give him the roses...




Author's Note "Hi guys, sorry for the delay, but recently I started working (studying) and getting each chapter right was a bit tricky. I may publish less often, but I won't forget this beautiful book. So don't worry ... for those who read me jsjs : '(