Lust Gathering.

—My stupid body reacts too much to people's touch... And after a while, I find myself unable to do anything. That's why I'm relying on speed and power for my attacks... If I'm impossible to touch, then everything will be fine...

Day after day, month after month, year after year, Rumi repeated these same words in her mind, as a barrier against her own debauched sexuality.

As soon as she reached puberty, she realized that becoming a heroine with this kind of craving would be difficult, and neither her mother nor father could have helped her with it. Her adolescence revolved mainly around how to avoid being perceived as a needy bitch. A few years ago, she was still taking tranquilizers, but this had a tendency to make her amorphous, so to stay healthy and carry out her work, she stopped.

She had never accepted any mate out of fear that rumors about her libido would harm her reputation and eventually put an end to her career. In other words, only a few dozen dildos and vibrators under her bed knew the sweet fragrance of her feminine goo.

However, since that "Felix" had first touched her in their fight, she felt something was different about her. Contrary to what she wished at first, the most disturbing thing was that it was pleasant and arousing, like a feeling of warmth and comfort every time she saw him. At first, she didn't want to admit that her former opponent was having an impact on her, but his hands on her skin every time he touched her to boost her or to carry her on his shoulders gave her chills that she could no longer afford to hide.

—That son of a bitch...

Rumi turned her face the other way to avoid looking Felix in the eye and prevent him from whispering so close to her. The heroine bent her long ear and tried to push the young man, but other than caressing and tickling his face with it, it didn't have much success.

"If you really wanted me to stop, you would block me with your legs, Miss Mirko. Not with that cute little ear."


"Is Mirko a tsundere?" Felix whispered as he moved closer to her rabbit ear again.

"C-Cut that crap out! I…"

"Yes?" he asked with a pernicious smile, but when he saw that she wouldn't answer him, he put his hand towards her head and began to caress her. "If I'm not mistaken, you like it when I touch your head, like a small animal."

"It's just you who got the wrong idea, Felix!"

"Oh, that's the first time you've ever called me by my first name and not "you" or "son of a bitch" guess we should celebrate." the former inmate sighed with an amused tone. "That said, I don't think I'm imagining things; your body trembles every time I touch you, so it's no coincidence, is it?"


Fighting against the sensations he made her feel was impossible for Rumi... and being treated like the animal totem that controlled her behavior was for her a taste of the unknown that she coveted with greed. More than excitement, what Felix gave her was tenderness and warmth, something that, despite what she forced herself to believe, she missed terribly in her life.

And that was enough to stir up her hidden desires.

Felix went to sit on the bed, leaned against the wall, and placed Mirko against him. She didn't protest at all, as his other hand snaked towards her dripping, glistening slit. Sticking against his body, she felt his fifth limb slowly stiffen, facing this sensation that she had been craving for so many years but was adamantly refusing to accept; she closed her eyelids and nibbled her lip.

One of the heroine's hands instinctively came to hold Felix's arm as he looked after her pussy.

"Just let it be, Miss Mirko. No need to do it yourself, because you can't after all.~"

Those few words from the man who dominated her without even having done anything special were enough to make her let go. Then, she squeezed her hand around Felix's forearm in anticipation of how she would feel in the next few minutes.

Since she was already naked, Felix had no effort to make and petted her slippery vulva, barely laying his fingers on it for the sole purpose of playing with her. Electricity-like sensations ran through Rumi as she contracted her jaw to prevent happy noises from escaping. Unfortunately for her, the moment a finger, then two came to fill her, she collapsed on Felix accompanied with erratic breathing; the almost animal squeaks proving that the heroine could no longer take it anymore and was finally starting to accept her situation.

"Well, well, well." he started by removing his soaked fingers. "You're quite hot in here, Miss Mirko."

"You piece of-"

"What about we start with the real treatment against your libido?" he inquired with a smirk. "You don't want to answer again, huh. Too bad.~"

In just five seconds, he undressed and returned to the bed. Mirko was surprised by the man's apparent virility and simply stared at Felix's crotch as if hypnotized. The pheromones in there were far too powerful for her to resist, especially in her current state. She tried to crouch down, staining the sheets with small droplets of love-juice, and moved her lips closer to his length.

"Sorry, but I'm just going to help you out a little. I could see that your urge was affecting your heroine ability, so..."

He pushed her onto the bed as she was ready to sniff and suck his glorious dick but got utterly rejected. Rumi's reaction was delectable, her eyes widening, her mouth ajar, realizing she wouldn't get what she wanted. The control Felix had to exercise to avoid succumbing to temptation was probably beyond what any normal man could have endured, but habit kept him thinking straight; after all, he too was a victim of his own hormones and pheromones, forcing him to have an almost unbearable libido.

"You're really not going to talk, are you? Stubborn," he sighed with a smile.

"What do ya want me to say, ya bastard... This is embarrassing enough..."

"So, do you want me to stop?"

No answer came out of her mouth, but the question was answered by her fleeting gaze and pursed lips. She turned her head and spread her legs, shifting her long white hair to the other side to avoid bothering them during what they were going to do.

"Ahaha! You're nasty, you know that?"

He went forward and spread her leg even more, then kissed her belly but stopped there even though Mirko tried to take his head so that he would go lower. She wouldn't have anything she wanted without being explicit about it.

If she wanted to kiss, have hardcore sex, she would have to put her ego aside and ask him like the slut she was deep down inside.

His prick was going back and forth against her clitoris; touching her vulva was just another way to make her vitiate and corrupt her little by little. Without even doing more, assaults of pleasure made her body twitch, while her eyes didn't seem to stare at anything anymore.

"Fuckin'...! Aahaah!♥ Aaah..."

"Cumming just from this? That what I was saying earlier; you're nasty as hell."

"F-Fuck ya..."

Rumi luscious, cloying lower-lips take the bumping impact of his masculine crotch with a shudder. The rabbit dripping-wet cunt accepted his shaft as he placed both his arms on either side of her head. Felix got set alight with the sensation of raw intercourse, his rod spreading so many hormones and pheromone inside Rumi's womb that she seems to already be close to climax again.

As his first thrust, it's a slick and burning hot canal that welcomed his dick. The lusty heroine voices echoed through the room as Felix begins to slowly go back-and-forth. The squeeze of such exotic pussy started already to teases and ignited his passions.

"Do you want me to be faster and rougher, Miss Mirko?"

"S-Stop asking obvious questions!"

"If you keep pestering me, I'll just gonna stop.~"



[Hormonal Skill]

[▪Dopamine ▪Endorphine.]

[Hormonal Cocktail] — [■■■■■■■□□□]

[Hormonal Cocktail] — [■■■■■■■■■■]


He had never been able to manipulate these two hormones before; however, all he had to do with his system's new version was to try, see and appreciate.

Two other hormones related to pleasure and reward, or in other words: [How to get someone addicted].

He hadn't yet had time to fully use the different hormonal cocktail he could make but was working on a mix of the four pleasure hormones mixed with releaser pheromones. He could call it [Love Potion] because the effectiveness of the product would be beyond comparison. But for the time being, it was only two of them.

He didn't need to do anything or touch a gland when he used his dick; everything was simpler, so he took the opportunity to boost her female hormones simultaneously. And then started what he has to do to successfully achieve the first step of his freedom against the Japanese government.

Taming someone influential.

—Here we go. She's unnaturally hot... Her quirk is a godsend for someone like me.♪

With one go, Felix pushed balls-deep in her sloppy pussy, as she let out a sigh of shock while stimulating his lust-sore dick. Rumi transparent goo flows from her crotch as the impact of sexual desire sent on the bed little spurts of love-juice. The heroine tried to grab him by the neck to make him guess what she wanted, but he got close to her and kissed her neck, once again dodging what she really craved.


"Huh...? What type of noise did Miss Mirko, the proud heroine, just make? That was strangely cute." he whispered by approaching his lips to hers. "This was what you wanted, right?"

Without further ado, Rumi grabbed Felix by the neck to bring him closer to her and glued her lips to his as she slipped her tongue in, seeking the care of Felix's, who, to give her a reward for listening to her desires, accepted the kiss, creating small slurping noises. A warm electricity surges between them, and a new, rough affection filled their heart and mind. Wild and exciting at the same time.

Rumi needed the contact of his skin against hers; she tried to make it clear by rubbing her lusty crotch on his mate's thigh.

"Here your reward for being at least a little honest with yourself." he smiled a moment before continuing the kiss, aware that building a dependence on someone was to create a "work"/"reward" system.

Felix pointed his already wet cock thanks to her love-juice in the direction of her twat once again before starting to fuck her slowly and languorously, taking care not to rush it. Each penetration sent her and him a little further into the strata of pleasure.

The former inmate accelerated the pace as he started to feel more accommodated with the position. The sound of his body against Mirko's being the only thing he could hear apart from his partner's heavy breathing. He lowered his head, licked one of her breasts before sucking her nipples at the same time as one of his hands caressed her clitoris.

The various stimuli she was undergoing finally broke her last shred of ego as her body was suddenly throbbing from the incredible pleasure this man was able to give her.

"Gh!! Fu- Aaaaaaahaaaa!♥"

Without giving her time to breathe, Felix made her move towards him as he stood up to make fuller and better hips movements while she lay on the bed, her legs shaking with pleasure.

He lowered his hips as hard as he could to see how Rumi would react. The moment he continued to kiss her even more dominatingly, the only thing she did was scream with pleasure for a few moments before her expression became one of joy, pleasure, and satisfaction. Each hip movement ended with a brief slap sound as his shaft had no difficulty reaching the bottom of her wombs. He doesn't really know how many times she came, but next time he will count.

Felix lifted her from the bed to carry her with both hands; Rumi wrapped both arms around his neck and did the same with her legs around his hips. In a final effort, he lifted her up under adrenaline and smiled.

"I will cum soon. But you were the one who wanted raw sex, right? So that okay?"

" ay.. that..."

"I don't understand. What are you saying? You felt so much pleasure that you now speak Chinese."

She pressed herself onto his chest and began to rub her head against it like an animal in need of attention. Even though her mind didn't want him to release his seed inside her, her body wasn't responding, and seeing how Felix was breathing, his climax would come soon.

—I can't let him do that! No!♥ I just wanted this for one night... But if he does that...♥ Will be pregnant...

But... a feeling of warmth and satisfaction coupled with the hot body that was glued to him came to his sense; he withdrew by reflex his rod from the wet hole he was eagerly fucking for at least an hour. Even he was starting to get a little out of breath, not to mention all the things he had done during the day, plus his sleepless night.

The abnormal quantity of sperm he spurted landed on the heroine's buttocks and made her shiver; the smell of his seeds once again had an effect as effective and maybe even stronger than his dick's pheromones.


[+50 EXP]

[↑↑↑]▪[Level 2 — 15/75} — ]▪[↑↑↑]

[STR ▪ 72]

[DEX ▪ 52] — [AGI ▪ 52]

[END ▪ 404 {+2%}] — [RES ▪ 102]


—No perk this time, huh? I guess the {+2%} of my total EXP being converted back into [END] points is enough for now. This perk will do the job till I find a new one. At least I got +2 points on everything. Not that bad- Ouch! Wait... is she biting me...?

Rumi was breathing heavily as he had just removed his cock from her slit to avoid fertilizing her, but at the same time edged and ruined her orgasm. Her eyebrows frowned between delight and bitterness as she squeezed him as hard as she could to show him her annoyance; she was boring him. That said, after seeing how her body was filled with pleasure, anyone would know that she didn't have much strength left.

—I wanted to see what it would do if I raised my testosterone level to more than five times what I'm used to... I guess it's having a nice effect.

"Sheesh... You sure are a greedy little thing," said Felix, gently dropping Rumi off, even though she wanted to stay longer like that. "Sorry for the mess I made. I can-"

"I-I'm okay... I will... do that myself," she answered, out of breath.

"Okay. So... I'm sorry, but I'm exhausted now. I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. 'Night!"

"I... I'll come with you then."

"Ah? No. I see you coming. We've already fuck for one hour; tomorrow will be laborious if we continue. As a reminder, we'll have to see the tournament preliminaries."

"Yeah...Y-You're right..."

Felix left the room coldly, leaving Rumi alone to handle all that had happened. He looked out the door frame, intrigued by what she was about to do. She had just taken some of the semen from her buttocks and looked at it with interest.

—To think I just wanted to pick up sex hormones and pheromones for the next day... This is a godsend. Someone like her will make a good friend, wife, and ally.