Gods not on our side

We exit out the top of the building heading to the chopper Perfectionist asks, “Well, Lidaren, what are the ups and downs of your powers then.” Lidaren looks up like he’s thinking. “I would say the ups are enhanced physical abilities and an insane healing factor. The down would be the uncontrollable virus.” I tap him on the shoulder. “What about the appearance?” He looks down at me. “It doesn’t bother me. Anyways what about you, Perfectionist?”

We step up into the helicopter and take our places. “Well, the good is the ability to form perfect weapons and a perfect body, which allows me to deliver more powerful punches and kicks. The down would probably be that I'm still human, and that means I can't use it on something I can’t focus on like a bullet.” They then both turn to me, “Well, what about you?” I think about it for a moment. “I would have to say the good is I can absorb all kinds of energy and use it in either physical feat or redirect it. The downside would be that I lose control of myself when I use it.”

Lidaren looks confused at me and asks. “I thought you had to choose what to absorb?” I start to rub my knees. “No, I do that by choice. Suppose I don’t, I'm afraid of what I may do to someone. That’s why I have my cigars.” Perfectionist claps. “This is all good news, but we can’t have people being heroes, Michael.” I lean out to see that we are almost there. “Well, let's not get too comfortable, but it is nice to know that yall have gotten stronger.” We brace for landing as we settle down just outside of my house.

We step out to see what appears to be just a cave with some stairs leading up to it in the middle of a pine forest. Lidaren snickers, “I thought I had a shit life.” I smack Lidaren to the side a bit, and he grabs his arm, rubbing it. He looks at me, “What was that for?” I then wave for them to come in, and as we pass the entrance to the cave, it opens up to revile my home. Left was my wall of trophies holding some of the best of what the chosen have to offer.

Singe’s feathers, then a single dark crystal, and the book of gods. The room's right is more traditional living quarters with a large sectional sat in front of a few bookshelves. Just to the side of that is a door leading to my room. While the two of them are looking around, I begin, “Don’t get too comfortable. We are just here to look in the book of gods. Perfectionist asks, “Why are you so hidden, and why do you have other chosen’s Parts.” While looking through the book, I tell him, “I study them, dark crystal is indestructible, and those are his original feathers before he became human. Besides, I won them fair and square.”

That prompts Lidaren, “Won?” I look up from the book. “Believe me, there's a pecking order outside of Perfectionist rules, and I have to hold my spot.” While saying this, I find the page with a picture of the amulet on it; the sapphire is missing, though. I tell them, “It seems to be a key, and the sapphire just represents what it holds.” Lidar asks. “Does it say anything about what's in it?” I shake my head. “No. but it does say how to open it.” I then lay it on the amulet on the desk next to the book.

I turn to them, “Let's leave it alone.” By the time I finish the sentence, I see that they are both frozen still. I wave my arm in front of Lidaren and get no response. I think, “What the hell?” Perfectionist then speaks as if he was in my head, “What the hell indeed. I bet you thought I could only do this to less powerful chosen. You’re the only one I can't do this to. No matter, it will make it all the better when I show you the truth.” I feel a sick feeling in my stomach “What fucking truth?”

Lidaren then places his hands on Perfectionist's throat and speaks, “The truth of me, I was banished, or at least my physical body was, and this dramatically reduced my power. However, my avatars have kept my work alive, and now you’re going to set me free.” I grit my teeth. “And if I don’t.” He smiles as Perfectionist takes his shields off himself. “Is your anger worth your friend's life, and what if you stop me? Then you're hurting the other one.”

He tightens his grip, and I see Perfectionist's face begin to turn blue, and through tears in my eyes, I read the spell. “Set free he who is locked in the and revile the person to me. NEPO!” the sapphire heartbreaks, and I fall to my knees as I beam of light shoots out of the cave. Lidaren and Perfectionist run over, “What just happened?” I look at them. “He’s still ahead of us.”