Into the morning sun

I awake early, before most are even stirring, and head outside to smoke. I step out into another cold morning. This time of year, the mornings are dreadful. I take out a cigar and light it up and hear the door open behind me. I turn to see Lidaren; I ask, “Aren’t these mornings bad for you?” He looks down at me and smiles. “No, I’m still warm-blooded. But I do have a question for you.” I turn back around, watching the sunrise and relaxing a bit. “What?”

Lidaren stretches in the sunlight, asking, “What did you do to Singe and Darkness? Like it seems like they fucking hate you.” I tap out my cigar. “Well, it was about a year ago now; we were overtaking a shipment of the leaves that make up these cigars. At the time, they were being studied. Given how new all of this chosen stuff was, everybody wanted to know what everybody had. Not to mention who had the most power.