Actings and Schemes, The Difference

Never ever depend your life to someone else's opinions. - miss_polarity


The wind was howling outside the mansion, and dancing with it were the trees. As the gloomy domes of the sky encapsulated them—affectuously matching their sullen countenances, Sean and Caber decided to forego their visit to their older sister and attend their classes instead.

Two days have passed since Ella's admittance into the hospital. A day has passed and still, they received no news of her condition from Anthony and Melissa.

"Sons, eat your food," said Felicity.

Concerned as she might be of Ella's condition, it is her responsibility to fulfill her duty, to look after the young Chances.

"Please," she insisted.

Comparing the young sirs she has few days before Ella's admittance, the looks of them during this time shatter her insides. The guilt of knowing nothing to help them but keep them away from hunger was the only thing she knew of doing.

"Sorry, I don't have the appetite. I will be off now," said Sean pushing his plate away from him, his ocean blue eyes on his plate the whole time along with his brother.

He reached for a sandwich, "I will eat this, at least. Thank you, Feli." He contemplated before stepping out of the room. Without a second delay, Caber stood and followed Sean.

Even though she cannot see those two sets of eyes, Felicity knows how much misery it evinces.

"Sean, stop," Caber spoke sharply making his older brother skid to a halt.

Sean looked back to Caber who stood motionless in the hallway. "What?" He asked.

"Who will drive?" He wondered.

Sean raised an eyebrow, "We have a driver." He said knowingly.


"Young masters?" Turning towards the side where the sound came from, a bright, shy man in black curtsied to their direction.

"Pardon me for interrupting you. The car is ready. I will be accompanying you for now."

Sean threw his brother a look before walking his way to the car.

The ride commenced. The whole time of their ride to the University of Parametris was quiet as both the Chances stared past the window, thinking who knows what.

Words of Ella's hospitalization passed at the speed of light. Even Alexandra's friends were remorseful about what happened last Tuesday.

Alexandra, on the other hand, has still been seen nowhere in the school since Wednesday afternoon and today is Friday. Rumors say she called in sick but her father knows nothing of where she is. Just as Ella's admittance to the hospital, AL's disappearance has become the talk of the school.

Caber was following close behind his brother who was busy zoning out with his sandwich in front of him. After he was done with his supposed breakfast, he turned his attention to his hazy glasses, wiping its lenses. Just as he was putting it back Caber called his name.

"Are you seeing what I'm seeing?"

"Can't you shut up, Caber?" Sean was aggravated by his brother's nonstop blabbering.

"No. Look ahead, Sean." Caber was more serious now.

Sean adjusted his eyeglasses before looking at where Caber's gaze was. His face turned upside down.

"You. You really don't know when to stop." Sean roared at Caber who smiled bitterly at his brother's reaction and continued otherwise.

"Who could've known Michael was onto his dog?" Caber was loving the scene in front. "You know what, I think you should start licking Chifuu back." He continued.

Sean hissed, throwing his brother a glare.

"Hm..." Caber diverted his attention in front again. "Maybe that's why he likes me more."

Sluggishly realizing, his eyes slowly widened. He was out of words at his brother's half-confession.

Caber shrugged, "Chifuu was the one who insisted."

Sean was bewildered by his statement. While statued to his position, Caber, on the other hand, started walking again.

"Don't ever dare debauch Chifuu. Or I swear," Sean warned as Caber passed by him.

"Woah, that's an overreaction. You're so serious as ever. I was just kidding." Caber retorted enthusiastically before suddenly remembering his sister's condition.

Sean felt the immediate change of the mood and decided not to push on the subject.

Both of them were directed to the same class for the first period in the morning, Biology. They differ in the following classes.

"See you at the break," Sean said before leaving for his next class.

A raspy voice along the hallway laughed heartily at his own remark. "You should've seen her face! She was literally poker."

A soothing, angelic voice followed, "Hey, hey, I know you're irate but no need to say that to her."

He shrugged, "Besides making herself a scene, she had a way to stop it after all."

"Ken, you should stop."

"What now, Kim? Can't you at least show me you're interested?"

"Don't divert your anger at me now." She flared. "I warned you. Look behind."

Sean was standing in front of them.

Flustered, he said, "Brother!"

"Hey," Sean replied, eyeing his prey.

"Your sister, got any news?"

"None still."

Sean's attention was snatched when the beauty spoke. "I'll—we'll visit her later in the afternoon. Is that fine with you?"

"What?" Kenneth abruptly argued, setting aside Sean's presence. "I have lots of things to do, Kim."

"You do? Well then, I'll help you once we left for home."

"Suit yourself." Sean interrupted with nonchalance. "I will be off now."

When he looked back, just as the two started arguing, he blatantly cast repugnance in Kenneth's direction.

"Now, who's talking sh*t?" He grumbled in annoyance.


Meanwhile, in Chance's household.

"Mademoiselle," sitting on one of the stools in the household kitchen, Ella's personal maid unwittingly vocalized her young lady's appellation as she perpends. "You're making me more worried about you."

"Malykith," Felicity called the young maiden who wore a simple yet gorgeous formfitting uniform. When she received no response from the lady, she said louder, "Malykith! Snap out of your fantasies. We should get going by now."

Snapping back to reality, "Auntie, you mentioned nothing of your plans."

"Are you sure you have been listening? Shoo, now. Get ready."


Felicity sighs, "Madame Melissa wants us to bring them food." She explains. "Now off to the bath. You smell."

Malykith's overwhelm made her nescient to her aunt's remark.

She was about to leave the room when she asked her aunt Felicity a thought-out question.

"Has mademoiselle awoken from her sleep?"

Malykith did not face her aunt after asking the question, afraid that she cannot mask her facial expressions.

Felicity—woefully composed—responded, "The Madamme and Sire mentioned something about Ella's diagnosis in their conversation before I left to prepare breakfast here. I am unsure but I anticipate they will talk sense regarding the matter later."

At the very least, Maly brightened. She walked her way out of the room and went to her cabin.


"Shall we visit her?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Cindy. We both know who she is." From staring at the ceiling, Alex rolled out and sat at the edge of the bed.

"Three days have passed since you last saw her, A. I think it is just time you feel sorry for what you did." Cindy said deliberately.

"I know you just want me to go but sorry. That ain't gonna happen."

"Ain't is not a word. You will not visit her then?"

"Blah, blah. That's what I just said."

"Then tell me, what are you doing here acting all repentant?"

"C, where do you think I should go?"


"As if I have one."

"You know what, you should learn to give importance to your family. We're not getting any younger, A."

"What's with these lessons, Cindy? Have you eaten spoiled food?" She tries to taunt her.

"Right. That's not funny. Not at all." Cindy sat beside her and shifted Alexandra to look in her direction. "Did something happen again in your house? It's not like your father to not text me when you are not home."

Alexandra freed herself from Cindy's hold and looked away. "I saw him kissing someone. Someone that's not likely to be my mother. Heck, I hate blondes."

"You are blonde." Cindy pointed out.

"Shut up. When I saw them, I knew I have to say it to my mother but he begged me."

"And, as always, you didn't budge. Am I right?" She interrupts.

Alexandra sighed. "Well, sorry. This time I did. His face was full of worry. And you know mom just came home from the hospital."

"That's... I did not know you can be so good of a daughter."

AL sighed in peevishness.

"Fine~ I'll shut up. What happened then?"

"Well, Tuesday afternoon, I... upon my arrival, I found mom and dad sitting at the living. It was a sight to see, actually."

"So~? Let's get to the point, please."


Alex took a long breath. Not wanting to seem so weak in front of Cindy.

"He lied to mom. He lied to me. And what's even worse is, he made me a whore." She despised just the mere word. Tears try to break out from her eyes.

"He said that he caught me doing something with a boy when mom was not home. And that, if I knew he told mom, I would do everything to turn the situation otherwise. His scheme was on point and mom believed him." She continued.

"That was before you went here, right?"

Alexandra nods. "Before."

"I'm so sorry, I did not know." Cindy reached for AL's hands.

"Was my act that good?"

"Yeah, I'll even vote for you as best actress." She squeezed it—a gesture to reassure her of a friend's presence.


"And your sister?" Cindy wondered. "Was it Séance who notified you?"

"Yes. And he's the one in charge."

"I thought the hospital does not permit that?"

"What do you mean?"

"Doctor and patient, they can't be related." She pointed out.

She nodded in agreement. "That's true. We are related through father. But not by blood."


Melissa busied herself to organize Ella's personal things in the cabinet.

"Honey, get yourself some rest, will you? Please."

Melissa granted her husband a mere smile. "It's—I'm fine, Anthony. Besides, I can rest comfortably only if I hear the doctor's..." a tear escaped in her eyes.

Anthony was quick enough to stand her and lean in his chest.

"Madame, may you let us?" Malykith asked for her permission to do the organizing in her stead.

Rather, Anthony nodded. He managed to sit Melissa in the hospital chair.

"The diagnostic tests are taking so long. What is happening?" She murmured impatiently.

"Alright, I will check again later, okay? Don't cry." He said as he keeps on brushing her hair.

"Madame," Felicity's sound filled the solemnity of the room. "Pardon me for intruding. Sire is right, you should take a little bit of rest. We'll wake you upon the doctor's arrival."

Anthony lifted Melissa's chin. "Please." He saw how pale his wife was. Almost as white as snow. If Snow White's color signifies her beauty, Lisa's enough to imply something bad might be happening in her system. "Don't make me worry, love."

"Alright, I will." She reluctantly agreed to them. "But wake me up without a second delay once the doc-"

"Will do. Now, now. Sleep."

It took some time but once Melissa has fallen asleep soundly on his arms, Anthony called Felicity.

"Could you clean that space, Felicity? And do make sure it will be comfortable to sleep on. And ready the food. I am already depleted of glucose."

"Yes, sir. Right away."

Before Felicity even takes a step back, Anthony added, "Just... a bit. I can't make my wife angry at me first thing she wakes for eating alone, can I?"

He sat still while affectionately caresses her golden hair; careful so as not to wake his wife.

"Rest assured, Sire. Then, I'll take my leave now." She said before walking backward and then turn to the other bed beside Ella's.
