Commercials Before the Surprise

It is always the process and not otherwise. – miss_polarity


A knock resounded the room as Ella steadies herself up on her feet.

"Mademoiselle," Malykith called. "You have a visitor."

Before she even gave Kith permission, she has let the guest come into her room.

'You have not spoken for weeks, and yet, you are expecting her to ask for your consent? What a joke.' Ella reprimanded herself.

The door opened, and she caught a glimpse of Kenneth Davis.

Kenneth looked back and nodded to Kith before he closes the door.

Ella felt a sense of disgust as Kenneth strode to her.

"Should you be doing all this work all alone? You could have asked for Malykith's aid." He commented as he raised his hand to help Ella with her crutches.

But, with lightning speed, Ella swatted his hand and went for the restroom.

'What is he trying to initiate?'

She kept an eye out through the corner of her eyes as she carefully inclined one of her supports onto the counter. She then lifted a small rectangular piece of tile around the corner of the counter. Her burrows furrowed but immediately smoothened when her hands touched something at the bottom.

She has been looking forward to being able to walk on her own again, and after the long wait, she did not waste any more time and fished out the set of keys from her pocket. She cautiously slid it in between the narrow opening and emplaced it at the bottom.

Her room is soundproof. But with Kenneth on the other side of the door to where she is, she had to be extra careful, so she would not make any sound resonate in the room.

Even more guarded, she exited the room and headed unhurried towards her bed.

She blankly looked up when she finally set herself on its corner only to find her guest still arise.

She caught the sight of a basket of fruits and the smell of freshly picked flowers.

“Mom had me pick those,” Kenneth started when he noticed Ella eyeing the newly filled vase.

“I just wish those are not for the dead.” He continued.

‘Chrysanthemums? If he is not legitimately stupid for bringing these to a living person.’

Ella contemplated the meaning behind his actions—whether it was on purpose or purely incidental.

But what she did not expect is to get herself fixated at the sight of the flower.

A memory has reawakened. It was the day when she lost her older brother, Reece.

Looking back, the two were not close, but with him gone along with her grandparents, she has to absorb and realize the family expectations.

The responsibility of her brother became hers. And, of course, Ella is bitter for going through all the rituals to succeed in his role.

“Ella,” a voice called her back to reality. She instantly looked from where the sound originated.

“Have you been listening?” He heaved before going through his words again.

“You have to think again of a way to stop them from getting us both locked in one house.”

Ella raised an eyebrow.

“I have seen how good you act. You almost fooled me. But, you know, I can see through your acts although it was quite impressive. It will not be too hard on you if you do it again, right?”

‘Again? Does he seriously think I planned all this to escape the clutches of my parents?’ she thought to herself while sending daggers into her prey.

She instantaneously reached for her supports. Because if this is how rude Kenneth will treat her, she knows she should not be wasting her time listening to him and his pitiful requests.

However, she accidentally walked onto a woven fabric in her urgency to get him out of the room. She almost had herself nosediving the floor when a set of arms bored her weight. Both of them sighed in relief.

But, due to the impact of his body on hers, Ella became unable to control her left crutch. It sailed in between his legs until it hit something.

It sent her shivers when she heard Kenneth groan.

And instantly, before Ella can even look up to see his face, his hands abandoned her to protect his possession if ever she desired for another aim.

This action of his left her on her own; she lost her footing.

In the end, she had to decide, either: to plunge herself on the bed or break her nose. Well, of course, she chose the former.

But there was one thing she overlooked. At the very moment she plummets onto her bed, Kenneth takes on another hit—only from her other crutch.

She could not help but wince when she thought she wreaked havoc to his groin.

Kenneth powerlessly dropped with her onto the bed. She quailed at the thought of her shouldering his weight with her feet injured. Ultimately, she still has to get hurt in the process.

“Ah,” both the two of them cried out in pain.

Kenneth still endeavored to support his weight by placing his right arm at her side. His left hand, however, was sandwiched between his legs which bequeathed their privates a little space.

But, just then and there—as if fate is still discontent with their play—the door clicked.

Someone is bound to witness them being on top of each other.

While Ella wanted to shove Kenneth away, the young man was left disoriented of their position. And so, before she can move, the door opened.

Malykith, together with Doctor Séance, immediately averted their eyes right after landing and seeing the two.

Séance made a noise by clearing his throat.

“I suppose you are getting better, young lady. Seeing as you can do hard graft now.”

It almost sounded like he spat to them both if only Ella did not know better.

This time, though, she did not waste any more seconds and pushed Kenneth away from her body. She did not care at all about his grief after what happened down there.


Be responsible, XOXO