Morgan Smith
It’s exam week and it has been so stressful for us all, we couldn’t take this morning’s exam because our lecturer was sick and she had the questions with her so it was postponed for another day.
Ricardo told me earlier that he wouldn’t be able to take me home because of some work he had to attend to so I am on my way to meet with at Gale’s Hall so that we can go home together.
I heard my phone beep and I took it out of my pocket, it was a message notification and I thought it was from Ricardo so I opened the messaging app and checked the message that just came in to see that it wasn’t from Ricardo, rather it was from a private number and the message read ‘Be safe’
I frowned and wondered who it was. Who would text me with a private number? There isn’t anyone who has my number aside Ann, Ricardo, Amelia, Richard, George, Mrs. Addison and her husband, then Richard too. I have a small circle and not the kind of person to just give my number to anyone I don’t know.