WebNovelSave Me50.00%

Chapter 20

Annabelle Dennis

“Morgan” I called to her sleeping form and shook her a bit but she only stirred and continued sleeping.

It’s 7:30 am and Morgan is still sleeping. Ricardo will be here any moment from now that’s why I am trying to get her up and prepared for when he comes.

“Morgan, wake up” I tap her leg again and she grumbled something but didn’t sit up at all. “Morgan? Come on, wake up” I shook her leg quite aggressively and she kicked my hand away then shifted away from me.

“Stop” her words came out muffled and I sighed.

I am seriously not ready to deal with an annoying early morning Morgan.

“Morgan” I sat on the bed and shook her again, I don’t want tot leave her this way… I need her to be ready before I leave and at the same time, I don’t want to be late for my appointment.

“Morgan? Get up and go get yourself ready for school. I have an appointment in…” I paused to check my watch ‘Oh my GOD’ I jerked up from the bed and went to grab my bag.