WebNovelSave Me69.05%

Chapter 28

Annabelle Dennis

I jolt up from my sleep when I heard the ringing of my alarm, I turned to look at it and stopped it from ringing because it was already getting annoying but when I looked properly, it was my phone that was ringing and that was a call I disconnected.

I don’t even have an alarm to begin with.

I grabbed my phone to check who just called when it rang again, I squinted my eyes to check who was calling and saw that it was a number I am not familiar with. I checked the tome on my phone to see that it was around nine in the morning and I wondered if I really slept that long.

I must be so tired to have slept that much.

My phone stopped ringing and I dropped it beside me then yawned, I picked it back up and checked my call logs to see two missed calls from the number that just called then one from Morgan then I saw a message notification and was going to check then another call from the same number came in so I picked it to know who that might be.