
Chapter 10

What once used to be abandon tracks, had awoken us up from a roar of a train that hurdled down the tracks at a fast pace. It was near six in the morning when we started to head out. The clock was ticking for all of us; Claus was murmuring in his thoughts, he had mentioned something about my first known victim: a young man, of about twenty years, who lived in southern Kentucky. He stood at five foot eight, and he was built like a fighter. His arms revealed muscle that had stretched from his shoulder down to his wrist. I was looking at a picture; Claus had made it in my mind, he was clever like that.

Our feet had pounded the ground with light force, causing small things like twigs to break. About four other people had stayed back, only to cover our tracks, and made sure no one had found out where we were headed—people like Cullen.