The next morning...
"Wake up sleepy head, we have to get to classes in an hour."
"Huh, oh okay good morning Xiu Ying where's Yuanji and Hua Jun?" Li Jing says in between yawns.
"Ewww, Xiu Ying says while covering her nose, go and brush your teeth and they already went for their classes. "
"Shut up stupid," Li Jing giggles as she stretches lazily before heading towards the bathroom.
"....Okay you all will be paired to one partner each and you girls have to practise the art of mind blocking and mind visibility and invisibility while the boys engage in hand to hand combat."
Li Jing groans as she massages her sore biceps the rest if the class seemed cool with it except Mei Li who looked like she was going to faint at any second from now.
" ....The boys should go that way while the girls should move to that way", The deep voice of General Dong intoned.