"Great students of Cheng High."
Li Jing and her cohorts stepped into the hall just in time. It seemed that principal Zhao was just starting his speech.
The school hall was actually almost filled up. However, Lu Chen, Jiao Long and Ye Bao seemingly had their own designated seats on the third row of the left side of the hall.
So they broke away from the girls and went to their designated seats. Li Jing couldn't help but curse 5hem in her heart.
Those bloody bastards.
This school was clearly biased. In her previous school, no one would have actually called about your so called 'designated' seat.
In fact, the only thing that could be noted as an act of prejudice in her previous school was the rate of bullying. To the extent that the weebs, nerds, and geeks were separated from the jocks and super rich slash uber cool students.
Any Jock that dared to sit with a nerd would immediately be blacklisted.