"Bravery is not being fearless, it is being able to do something dispite of being afraid."
"Boss what should we do with this one??" One of Lorenzio's men asked.
"Chop his head off. Dispose the body somewqhere and bring the head back to his wife's house" Lorenzio said without even blinking once.
This man was terrible. He was pure evil and his reign had just begun, we have a long way to go after this day.
"But Renzo it was suppose to be a secret mission. He was suppose to just pop up missing" Antonio his right hand man and best friend reminded him. "Listen Tony, I call the shots. Not you and I dont take insubordination or disrespect very well, so shut the Fuck up!" Lorenzio bit at his bestfriend. He was just a cold hearted tyrant and alot of people just could'nt understand how Antonio even survived as his friend all these years.
"Ok guys, you heard the boss! Get a move on it. Send a message and make it VERY clear!!" Antonio spat at the underlinks.
Ofcourse it wasn't their fault why he had a bad temper but he had to find someway to let off the steam. Lorenzio was really working his nerve and he was being unnecessarily sloppy in his dealings which left more clean up work for Antonio.
As of late it seem as though there was something bothering Lorenzio and it began to eat him like a plague. The guy even cut down on his take of nightly women, now he only asked for three instead of his usual amount of nine.
Sasha, his favorite bitch from the states even told Antonio that the sex lasted way shorter than before and she wasn't able to make him bust a nut. She said it's as though he was completely bored of her.
He has been acting this way since the little bitch Voshé has been brought to the estate. He has been even more brutal and uninterested in anything at all.
Everyone could see it.
Why didn't he just kill her since she offended him so much? But it's like he has something to prove to someone.
Who was this someone though? Why did he even have to prove anything?
He never needed approval from anyone before so why now?
I guess she lacked something that everyone else had and she also had something that everyone else lacked.
She lacked fear and she had the will to die.
This girl hated life and Lorenzio would be damned if he was about to give her the satisfaction of death after all the insult she blessed him with.
She also relished in the feel of pain and torture. He knew because he caught her many times cutting her skin, his skin, because he owned her.
He could not give that to her. That little vixen had his hands tied. She was the first person to make him uncertain because doing things the way he always done it means playing the cards right into her hands.
He was never a man to do what was told of him. He hated that she had this planned out and that she expected him to grant her the gift of death.
He was certain now.
He will make her live to the fullest. He will torture her by giving her what she wants mostly less of.
He was giving her life.
This man annoys me. I thought all he knew was war and punishment and death. Yet he tries to read me and learn about me like a damn test subject.
I am placed in a room all by myself with white walls every where. The only furniture is a plastic pumped up mattress covered in white sheets.
It's as if he is trying to put me through therapy with all these white images. It wont work though, because my mind and emotions are tainted black.
Pitch black.
Well not black as in to do evil things to other living people or animals but to myself. I have been infested with a deep feel of self loathing.
I have blamed myself for all my mishappenings even though I know full well that there was nothing I could have done about the situation.
Or maybe there was one thing.
There was one thing that I have done wrong in my life.
I was born (though I never had a choice in the matter).
I should never have been born.
How did I even get to this miserable place? Sometimes everything feels like a distant memory. Almost as if nothing happened, it keeps slipping away as if I was always with them and I never knew a life before this.
Sometimes I forget how good life used to be before all this, I forget that I had a loving family and amazing friends.
The only thing I remember vividly was the day it all stopped. The day everything ended.
I still don't know why they decided to keep me because I have been a sassy little thing from the beginning. Fiery and hot tempered just like the red hair on my head, maybe thats why my friends used to call me ginger.
Ginger was harsh but ginger was also good for you, it was medicinal and had all good components. I am still harsh but I don't think it's safe to call me ginger anymore.
There are no good components left in me.
I have single-handedly experienced the worst of what life had to offer and I had also experienced a good life.
Therefore, maybe, just maybe......
It's my time to die.
What is left in this miserable world for me? I see nothing.
I don't think I want a life even if I have escaped this fate. I can't imagine having a family and friends ever again because the fear that I may lose them is too great.
I am too pessimistic and selfish to even think of having a family and friends. How can I even fall in love and how can a person love me??
How can I one day be the mother of a tiny little bundle of flesh that screams, cries, eats and mess themself??
I can't even care for myself how will I care for another life?
I have been way over my head with these thoughts. It's not as if I have any way of leaving this place at all and quite frankly I don't necessarily want to leave.
Not now that I am 18 years old and would have to basically fend for myself should I leave and try to live a regular low sustainance life.
I would need to get a J-j-j-job and rent a place, pay bills and- and- anddd-
Well that's already too much. Here I don't do anything at all. I might not always have Tv priviledges or own a cell phone but I sleep in a nice white room with a bouncy mattress which is cleaned every week. I also get 3 square meals a day and when I cry for period pains I get snacks between meals or sometimes a sweet gooey treat.
Actually, who am I to complain?
This might not be the best arrangement but it works out. I live in comfort at another man's expense.
When he desires me in bed then maybe my bill payment will be due but until then, I shall enjoy my stay.
I hope you are all enjoying the story line so far. Voshé is a very sarcastic character so you will always see her testing the patience of other characters. But I promise you just have to love her!!!!