- Good morning all! I'll be your guide, so ask me any questions you want, and I'll get back to you whenever possible. We will…
- I have a question!
Quiado, who seemed fitter this morning, raised his hand. He had recovered his haughty air and his caramel eyes fixed hard on the hermit, who sighed:
- Yeees, prince Quiado?
- Who are you? Are you a hermit? Remember, I missed the moment when you got to know others the first time!
- Quiado! I already told you who he was, Hyrio whispered disapprovingly.
- I would like to hear it from his mouth! It’s not in great demand, I think!
The hermit sighed again, smiling slightly. He formally introduced himself to the prince, who was finally satisfied. Quiado was making a fuss over nothing.
They then started the visit by taking the left lane. Oddly enough, Yvan didn't open any of the doors. Even when they passed by the princesses' apartments, he said nothing. The mystery remained unsolved, for no one could guess what was hiding behind the other doors, with the golden symbols. Seeing them disappointed, he finally explained that he was using his coins for his personal experiences.
The only place they could visit, down the hall, was a vast garden, which looked almost like a greenhouse. Besides, there was no door, just a curtain of flowers.
There were so many trees, plants, and light that they thought they were on the surface. The place was so large... Even birds were chirping happily, and swarms of butterflies were everywhere. Hyra already knew she would come here often, whenever she had the chance. Happy to find such a place, she congratulated the hermit:
- Were you the one who planted all this? And underground, moreover! It's impressive!
- Oh, you know, five hundred years is not five days after all! I had plenty of time to create my world in peace and out of sight. I'm pretty proud of it!
- You like nature a lot!
- Who wouldn't love her? I consider her to be the mother of all of us. To despise nature would be to hate life itself! Those who have not understood it will remain ignorant.
As they admired around them, Hyra saw the same little girl whom she had seen in the tavern in Lyrannir, and outside the hermit's hut.
She was turning her back on her, staring at a water point not far from them. Hyra could see his hair better, as well as his mysterious black clothes. Her unusual look was surprising for a child of her age… She wouldn't give her six years!
- Kahelle, do you see her too?
- Who is that?
- The girl! She's right there.
Kahelle looked at the spot pointed out by her friend but saw nothing. Hyra insisted until her appearance suddenly evaporated. She was sure she hadn't dreamed...
Why was she the only one to see it?
Yvan came back to find them, while the others were a little further away.
“Ladies! You must follow me! We lost sight of you for a moment. What is it?”
Yvan noticed the troubled face of the young princess, while his friend Kahelle explained to him why. Her heart leapt.
Did he hear correctly!?
- Wait! Did you say a little girl!?
- Yes, but I didn't see her...
- Princess Hyra, are you sure?
- Look, I saw her on this site. She was there! It's not the first time, but this time I saw his dark clothes and his hair!
- What colour?
- Curly auburn hair, which seemed to float… But she was gone before I could make out her features! I do not lie!
At that precise moment, the hermit's heart was pounding, as if it was about to explode! Would Princess Moon be the answer to all his prayers? Finally, a light at the end of the tunnel, after five hundred years!!! He had done well to receive them here yet...
Exhilarated, he took Hyra's hands and squeezed them.
- I believe you! I believe you! But please, can you do me a favour?
His spontaneous and unpredictable reaction surprised Hyra, who nodded, curious to hear his request.
“Next time you see her, this little girl, say one word to her: Elyra.”
Although she found his request quite strange, Hyra agreed. The joy that flooded the hermit's face at that moment, would remain etched in his memory. If she could make him happy, why not?
They resumed their way, heading towards the right corridor. They saw the kitchen near the dining room where they had gathered yesterday, a living room, a smaller library, and they ended their visit by discovering the large training room, where Yrckos was waiting for them.
There were targets, arrows in their quivers, different swords and even axes. Space was set up very well and safely. The wizard and the hermit took the twins aside to talk to them. As the others began to train, Yrckos said:
“Before we started, we agreed on an important point. Hyra and Hyrio, you didn't grow up together, and you don't know each other well. This represents a loophole, which the forces of evil will not hesitate to use. However, to defeat them, a link is necessary. This bond between you must be mighty so that you always remember who you are, and what you need to accomplish. That is why we must go back to our origins. There, where it all started. Do you have your medallions? I would like to have them.”
From the day her adoptive mother Rodya gave it to her, Hyra still wore her locket around her neck, hidden in her clothes. As she took it off, she was surprised to see her brother pull out a locket like hers. It was the same turquoise necklace, but instead of being topped with a gold crescent moon-like her, Hyrio's had a gold sun, which also hung a small, pure blue buckle…
Yrckos took Hyrio's and Yvan his brother's.
“Your names are closely linked to these medallions, which your parents gave you on your third birthday. According to the legend told by Rodya, you are Princess Moon by your beauty Hyra, so there is a crescent moon on yours. And the sun on Hyrio's, who by his strength is the Sun Prince. It all makes sense. See, your father was a powerful wizard and even to be the best of his generation back then, wasn't he Yvan?”
The latter nodded, saying:
“He was quite smart and resourceful, that's right. Your father had a brilliant idea when he made his necklaces. Do you know why? Because it contained all your childhood memories inside.”
The twins were surprised to hear such a revelation. Their memories, in these medallions? How? It meant they could remember their parents and the time they spent together! For Hyrio, who remembered it a little, he knew that for Hyra, it was a wonderful gift. She was delighted, right now!
Yrckos, who saw that this news pleased them, explained:
“But he sealed them to protect you. We are the only ones who can activate them. Just as Yvan can go very far into the past, I can project myself much further into the future. We are nicknamed: the Keepers of Knowledge for a good reason. Know also that we will be your points of reference, in this present where we are. When you have seen what your father decided to show you in the past, we will bring you back with no problem. These memories will allow you to realize who you are, to move forward together! We will need some peace. Follow us.”
They followed them to the garden, where they sat down under the shade of a tree. Yvan invited Hyrio to sit on a sun symbol, connected to another moon symbol for Hyra, which he drew with his staff on the ground.
The twins were placed hand in hand, facing each other, eyes closed. Yrckos is standing behind Hyrio and Yvan standing behind Hyra, placing each other's medallions above their heads. As their powers awoke, the wizard reverted to his luminous golden appearance while the hermit's green eyes shone brightly. They recited several times these few words with force:
“Past, whose doors have been opened to us, bring back those who have lost themselves in the present, so that the future may illuminate their hearts forever! Princess Moon and Prince Sun, ask you this! Reveal yourself! Reveal yourself!”
While they were still talking, the sun and the crescent moon of the medallions popped out of place, by getting over the twins' heads, spinning rapidly.
Moments later, Hyra and Hyrio could no longer hear the voices of their elders. But instead, the laughter of children who grew closer, as they fell into a deep sleep...