Kaida's pov
I remembered everything. I started to get dizzy again and I leaned on Jason just in case I fall. Ignatius looked at me, "Do not worry, Child. The dizziness and falling in and out of consciousness are normal." He stated. I sighed and just nodded, "Let's just deal with this later." I said and tried to walk on my own but with some support of course.
As we got home, I tried to do my normal chores such as cleaning around and feeding the farm animals or washing the dishes. I sighed and picked the broom up. It started to burn again. I groaned and dropped it before it was fully on fire, "Eugh! I can't even do normal chores." I complained. Ignatius then trotted to me and climbs up to my shoulder, "You know I can help you, Child. Do not be afraid to ask for help." He stated.
I nodded at him, "O-Okay then." I said. He then perches on my shoulder, "Now. Just relax. You're forcing yourself too much." He instructed. I sighed to relax. Inhaling and Exhaling calmed me a little bit. He purred, "You do not have to rush, Child." He instructed again. I nodded and picked the broom up. I was still a little bit nervous because I might mess up. But hey. If you don't mess up at some things you won't learn from your mistakes right? I smiled a little bit and picked it up. It didn't burn as much this time, "G-Got it!" I said with excitement in my voice. Ignatius smiled and nodded at my accomplishment.
Jason smiled and did it for me instead because I was still trying to get a hold of this new ability. Though I was still nervous and scared. The whole kingdom forbids magic for some reason the king never shares. Would they put me in exile? Would they execute me? I didn't know what they might do if they find out...or if the king finds out.
'I must not even let uncle Elrick know..!'
I said to myself in my head.
I was pretty much panicking out of my life. I looked down thinking of what I could do but I just remembered what Ignatius said. To just relax. I tried to relax from these scary thoughts. I sighed and inhaled. I then asked Jason for a favor, "Jason? Could you help me get some things?" I asked the 16-year-old. Jason smiled and nodded at me, "Sure, Kay!" He said. I smiled at him and got up and hid Ignatius. Ignatius snarled not wanting to get in my bag, "Hey! I do not want to be smuggled in there." He growled. I groaned, "Well you're gonna have to! My kingdom has never seen a dragon-like you before! They might freak out if they see you!" I exclaimed to him.
Ignatius sighs and small flames come out from his nose, "I can just shift into a cat you know." He said. Jason tilted his head, "You can do that?" He asked very curiously. Ignatius nodded and turned into a black cat with amber eyes and looked up at us. He meows, "Well? Go on. Walk along now." He said to both of us. I cleared my throat and opened the door to walk outside to get some usual everyday things I get to get through the routine but with these new powers? I think it might be a little tight to get passed.
After a while. At the market.
We looked around the market for things we could get. I looked at some tools we could use for the farm but of course, I couldn't touch any yet. While I was eyeing on some tools Jason sees some dresses, "Oh! Kaida look!" He said to catch my attention. I looked behind me where he was standing then where he was looking at me, "Hm? Aw! Those seem cute." I said. Jason smiled and pats my head gently, "I bet you'd look cuter in them." He said in a soft tone. I blushed and gently smacked his chest, "Oh s-stop." I said shyly.
Ignatius meowed at us, "Can we please hurry. I do not like too many people around me." He said in my head. I looked down at him while he was in his black cat form, "Alright alright." I said with a slight giggle. I bought some tools and food for us and uncle Elrick. I bought him some egg pie. He loves those. We began to walk home. People were glancing at me. I got nervous a little bit as I was switching hands in holding the things I got since they might burn any time soon. Then, I noticed a man hitting a winged person. It must be another Timber Wing. Those half man half any type of bird look so cool and amazing! I growled, "Jason. Hold these." I ordered him. Jason tilted his head and holds the things we got, "Huh? Sure? What's wrong?" He asked.
I growled in a low tone. Ignatius notices this, "I see it's taking over. Go, Child." He climbs into the bag I had on my back. I ran to the alley where the man was beating the poor Timber Wing. I stood in the alley and looked at my hands. I inhaled and exhaled. Ignatius closes his eyes, "That's it, Child. Now unleash it. Do not hold it back. Just be you." He instructed. I nodded and growled, "Hey!" I yelled at the man to get his attention.
"What the. This is none of your business, Kid!" The man said to me.
"P-Please! Help me!" The Timber Wing pleaded. She was beaten up and on the ground.
"Shut up you!" The man demanded.
I growled lowly and the mark started to glow in a Fire's color, "Leave her alone asshole." I demanded. The man growled and pulled out a knife, "What did you say?!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes, "I said. Leave. Her. Alone. Asshole." I repeated. Well, he wanted me to repeat what I said. The man groaned and ran at me with the knife. I clutched my hands into a fist. They start to spark flames and the next thing I know...They were in flames but they didn't burn. I looked at them and just went with it. The man didn't notice my fists, "Come here you little pest!" He yelled. I nodded and ran at him quick then let out a strike of a burning fist. It hit his face and burned it. The man screamed, "AHH! WHAT THE! IT BURNS" He complained. The Timber Wing looked scared. I panted, "Oh come on. You were acting so big of yourself earlier. Coming down with one punch? Tch." I said to tease him.
The man groaned loudly and whistled for his allies. Six men then appeared as if this was set up. The man laughed, "What now little girl?" He said. I kept myself so I wouldn't freak out. Ignatius paws at my nape, "Keep your composure, Child. When I give the signal release it on the ground." He instructed again. The man wipes his face, "Beat 'er up boys!" The man commanded his boys. I stood my ground. Jason panicked, "Kaida! Look out!" He warned me. I inhaled. Ignatius meowed, "Now, Child!" He gave me the signal. I groaned and punched the ground. I got surrounded in flames but I wasn't burned. The men all around me got burned and blown away. Ignatius cheered, "Nice work, Child!" He complimented and pats my head with his little paw.
I smiled and looked at my hands, "W-Woah...I-I just did that?" I asked myself. Ignatius nodded, "Yes. Yes, you did." He meowed at me, "Though there will be more training so you can get stronger. I can't always be here to tell you what to do. Know that." He said to me. Jason's jaw was dropped. He was speechless at what he just watched. The Timber Wing widened her eyes, "Y-You're a s-sorceress?" She asked me after she watched the whole thing. I nodded and kneeled in front of her, "Well I guess you could say that. Anyways. Are you hurt?" I asked the Timber Wing. The Timber shakes her head, "J-Just a little." She said. I nodded and helped her up, "What's your name?" I asked the Timber.
The Timber Wing gets up and stretches her huge black wings, "I-I'm Raven Taraji. N-Nice to meet you." She said shyly. I smiled at her, "I'm Kaida, and nice to meet you too. Come on. Let's head to my place we'll patch you up there." I offered. Raven nodded and decided to come with us, "T-Thank you." She said. Jason looked at her wings, "Wow! Her wings look amazing!" He complimented. Raven was just silent since she went through some things.
While walking home, I saw some cups Uncle Elrick would surely like, "Oh wait for me, guys!" I skipped to the stall to check out some cups. I saw a wolf one but when I got my hand close to it heated up a little, "Oh no..hmmm." I hummed thinking for a sec, "Hey, Jason?" I called for him. Jason walked to me and pats my shoulder. Raven growled a little and lightly brushes off some dust on her wings. Ignatius looks up at her, "What an extraordinary being." He whispered to himself while circling her and looking at her wings. Raven looked confused and tilted her head before tucking her wings away making her look human. Ignatius widened his eyes, "A Timber Wing that could make its wings disappear?" He questioned himself, "My My." He said.
Raven giggled, "Some of us can do that you know." She shared. I got Jason to buy the cup with a wolf on it. I then looked at Raven. Just wow. She had small bits of feathers on the sides of her head by her cheeks, straight hair flowing down her back, and pretty yellow eyes. She looked cute and beautiful. I shook my head to stop my eyes from feasting on her beauty, "W-Woah where did your wings go? I asked her. Raven looked at me and answered, "Oh I tucked them away for a little bit" She said to me. Ignatius was curious as to why she didn't freak out at a talking cat, "Hmmm." He hummed. Raven picked him up, "I know you're a dragon. Don't freak out." she said with a giggle.
After a while of walking home.
I sighed and plopped on the couch resting after a long day. Ignatius turns back into his original small dragon form and lays down next to me. I yawned, "I should check if my Uncle's hungry. I'll be right back." They all nodded at me as I got up to check on my Uncle. While I was heading upstairs I noticed some strange noises coming from his room. I didn't mind it anyway, "Hey Uncle? I got You so-" What I was saying got cut off when I opened the door...Oh. My. God. He was home alright. But he was with someone in his room and mating. I widened my eyes and shut the door. My uncle had some hearing problems so I don't think he heard the door. I rushed back to the couch looking like I saw nightmares. Raven tilted her head, "Kaida? Are you okay? You look like you saw a ghost." She stated.
I was shaking, "N-No no. I'm fine. I'm so fine. D-Don't worry. There's nothing wrong." I said nervously after seeing what the heck I saw. But WOW it been a long day for me. I laid down on the couch covering my face and groaning. Jason kneeled down by me, "What's wrong?" He asked. I shook my head, "I-I'll just explain it later." I said with a little bit of nervousness and horror in my voice.