Chapter 13: Hopes last words

Minutes earlier before the Xenjia began to bicker, a little boy was about to ask his savior its name but unbeknownst to him, fate had other plans. In a house that was once lit up by a mother's love, a child was inside tending to the dishes. " Excuse me. " The boy said courteously. The child tending to the dishes jumped, almost falling into the sink. " Why yes?" The child said startled. " I assumed you were still in the playing field what happened.?" the child asked. "Sorry," the boy said apologetically, " I got curious about something ." The boy said. " What are you curious about?" the child replied while drying its hands. The boy moved in a nervous way. " May I ask..... what is your name?" he finally asked. " My name?" the child replied in a concerned way. The boy made his way over to the child in haste, grasping its hands and pleading. "please?"