
"How was the trip?" My brother asked. I can't still believe that he's my boyfriend now. After that day, everything went smoothly.

"It was fun," I said with a smile on my lips.

"How's your School?"

"My grades are higher than before..." I laid down on my bed and closed my eyes, maybe it was a good decision, after all.

"Are you happy?" I asked.

"I can say that I'm happy, but..."


"I want to go home," His voice was sad. I want him to go home, too. But we know it's for his own good, for our own good.

"Will you go home this New Year?"

"I asked Aunty Bella one time, she said, there's no reason I should go home." My shoulder dropped. Why? I felt upset and sad at the same time, his family is here in the Philippines, isn't that enough reason to send my brother home?


"Are you okay?"

I nodded even though he can't see me. "Of course," I whispered.

"This doesn't feel like home anymore..." I want them to tell me what's going on, I want to know what's happening, I want to know why they are like this. I want my family to become my home again. I want to be at peace again when I'm with them.

"Have you talked?" I shook my head.

"No, I'll try to talk to them, when I'm ready." I haven't think about what's the truth. I avoid it every time my mind wants to think.

There's only one thing that my mind kept asking. "What if one of them cheated?" But I try to avoid it, I don't want to think that.

"How's your relationship with Travis?" He asked, changing the topic.

"We're already in a relationship, I said yes,"

"Are you happy?" I smiled. "I am genuinely happy."

"I am happy for you, but please, guard your heart..." He said smoothly. I let out a deep sigh, I really love my brother.

"Guard your heart, too, 'kay?" I pinned my hair in my ears.

I went to school earlier because I can't find my book at home, maybe it was in my locker. It's a Tuesday today, we just came home last night from a trip. We spend days there just having fun, riding at a jetski and some stuff.

I took the key inside of my pocket and opened my locker. I was nervous when I found out that the book I was looking for was not there. I closed it quickly, I decided to look for my book in our room.

"Sorry—" I felt someone accidentally hit my back.

"It's oka—" I was shocked when I saw Damian.



I furrowed my brows. "I'm sorry." He said in a cold tone. Okay? Is he mad? Why does he always look so cold to me? Did I do something wrong?

"It's alright... bye." I smiled a bit, I was about to go to our classroom. "You looking for this?" My lips automatically formed a smile when I saw the book he's holding. I nodded quickly before picking up the book.

"Where did you find this?" I curiously asked.

"You left it, in the room." He said firmly. I just smiled and nodded.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome," He gestured a hand before leaving.

Weird. I know he's soft inside, but why does he need to act like he's tough.

"He does really like you," Sabrina said with conviction. I told her about what happened earlier. What? He does like me? He just literally being kind, right?

"He just literally gave me the book I was looking for!"

"That's the point, I found it first! He just told me to give it to him so he can give it to you." I raised an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?"

"I don't lie." I just shrugged. Maybe he's just being a big brother?

I stopped thinking when I felt someone grabbed my waist. "I missed you," He whispered in my ears. "I missed you, too." I turned into him. I smiled when I saw his face, I feel like every day, he's getting more handsome.

The routine gets back to normal again because the examination is already done. The time passed quickly because not everyone started another lesson, I guess it's just going to be a chill week. They would probably open another lesson next week. As I said earlier, the examination just has finished.

"Let's eat?" I nodded. This is just our routine, after class, we will eat out, or we will have a picnic. That's how our world revolves.

"Yes! It's Sembreak already!"

"Don't forget the brownies, okay?" Travis reminded me. I just nodded. I closed my eyes as he kissed me on my forehead. He never failed to give me butterflies.

"Mhm, I love you..." I wrapped my arms around him. He hugged me back, tighter.

Time is really passing quickly, we're already in our 3rd month. That's why I'll go to his house later, we're having a movie date.

I looked at mom fixing those things we used for baking, I wonder, she never asked me about my love life. I want to tell her, but what if she gets mad? What if she becomes distant again?

"Have fun, Hija." She smiled at me and tapped my head. She looked okay now, unlike before. I took the chance to ask for help because she's not always in the house. That's why I'm really thankful that she's here.

"Thanks, mom." I hugged and kissed her on the cheeks. She placed the brownies in the Tupperware and put them in a paper bag.

"Let's talk," Dad said with his baritone voice. He looks so mad, I've never seen him like this. He quickly went upstairs, I turned around and look at my Mom. She now looked nervous and scared. Really, what's happening?

"Are you two okay, Mom?" She nodded quickly and assured me with her sweet smile.

"You can go now, Hija... Mom and Dad will just talk, okay?" I nodded. She smiled at me before going upstairs. I waited for few minutes, I didn't hear anything so I decided to go.

“This is so good!” Travis said while eating the brownies.

“Well, thanks to Mom.” I winked, we both just giggled. His parents were out of town, his brother was also busy studying.

We decided to watch the Five Feet Apart movie, and I ended up crying. God, this is a wonderful movie! We both laughed when he saw me crying.

“You know, people are always saying if you love something, you have to learn to let it go.” I cried more when the man in the movie said that. I felt Travis’ already hugging me.

“Could you close your eyes? I just don’t know if I can walk away if you’re still looking at me?” He paused the movie when he heard me almost sobbing.

“I can’t see you cry, it broke me…” He whispered beside me. He carefully leaned my head on the left shoulder.

“I’ll close my eyes, too. If it’s time for you, to leave…” I cried on his shoulder. What’s happening with me? Why am I being emotional? Oh, maybe it’s the time of the month.

“Hush, baby. I’ll always come back…”

“And I would always wait for you.” He wiped my tears away.

We ended up eating ramen. He’s just teasing for crying because of the movie. After we ate, we ended up watching a movie again. But this time, he’s the one who picked the movie.

I got bored so I decided to braid his hair. I positioned myself behind him, he’s taller than me so I kneeled to braid his hair better.

“What if the universe doesn’t want us to be together?” I asked out of nowhere.

“Then, let us prove to the universe that we would be together even if it doesn’t want to. Even if it’s wrong, we’ll find ways to make it right.” I smiled.

“What if we get tired?”

“Then let’s be tired together and rest together. Since we are our own rest.”

"Until we can finally fight for our love, and finally win it." He whispered.