Reason (Part 5)

“Break-up with that girl,” Mom said with finality.

“N-No, Mom… I can’t.”

“Leonora…” Abuelo called Mom.

“Let him love, don’t ask him to break up with Briana.”

“What?!” She exclaimed. “You’ll just ignore that you got stabbed?!”

“I’m okay, I’m not dying.” He joked.

“Dad, this is a serious matter!” Her voice thundered in the room. She ruffled her hair out of frustration. Her eyes were really dark. Which I've been afraid of since I was a kid.

“Leonora, this isn’t his fault…” Dad said silently, can’t look at us.

“Threats are really getting serious, it was because of me, not Travis’.” He added. He made Mom shut up.

“It’s not always the kid’s fault.” Abuelo said calmly as he lay on his bed.

“Leonora, Arthuro…” Abuelo called. Mom and Dad looked at Abuelo, while I was just standing there in the corner. Beside the door.