Lesser Heartbreaks

The holiday season was finally over. I wasn't even sure if I was really looking forward to going back to school at this point. I felt like this term I should be doing things differently when it comes to my relationship. So I decided to make it up to Cleo and make our relationship official. The night before school I spent a good portion of my time planning out an apology letter to Cleo. Near the early hours of the next day, I was still awake writing out my apology.

When I finally finished it, I placed it in an envelope and planned to drop it inside Cleo's locker. So I got up extra early, and made my way to school. I found Cleo in the hallway, and she literally blue ticked me in real life. She passed me, not even giving a little peep by the corner of her eye.

She went for her first lesson, and I took this chance to leave my note. Through the entire day I felt anxiety tickling my entire body, as I was waiting for the moment Cleo finally read my note. The time felt as if it was taunting me by every second. Every waking tic toc of the clock added to my stress. I found it hard to sit in one place, as the sweat was now drowning my shirt.

"Has she read it yet, what is she thinking now, will she even take up my offer", these were the only few questions I found myself asking myself throughout the day.

The final lesson Bell rang, and I walked down the hallway. Cleo was standing in front of her open locker, reading my note. I felt like turning around and running away from her before her reaction came after she finished reading the note. But seeing the smile on her face while she was reading kept me in my place. She put the note down, and started staring in my direction with a huge smile on her face.

She walked up to me, slowly increasing her speed with open arms. She jumped into my open arms, embracing me in a hug. Proudly she yelled out, "Yes, YEEESSS, I'll be your girlfriend"

In that moment I didn't care about what the people around me were thinking. I grew away from their opinions, because they didn't really matter. Cleo was the only important matter here.

Cleo whispered in my ear in a cute voice, "I missed you so much"

She looked deep into my eyes and told me, "I thought about breaking up with you, but I really couldn't push myself to do it. Khahil, I just really want Lesser Heartbreaks"

I replied to her, "You don't have to worry about that when it comes to me Cleo. I got you"