A fake alley

The first thing i did after the sorting was getting sent to professor Maria's office where she was standing with Felix. Shit i guess i am in trouble . I said look professor before i could complete she said Felix is going to show you around the school. Ohhh that was close i was gonna expose myself. I said sure professor and went with him. He showed me potions class, places told me about places i should not go to like the enchanted platform or whatever it is and he introduced me to Huston who is the sweetest person i have ever met in my whole life. When we finished he was showing me the Leaders living room or something i do not know what they call it.

I said:so your name is Felix . He said"yeah look i am sorry for what i did before to you what about we turn friends. I was saying it is okay until i slipped with something on the floor and was gonna fall,but he caught me. I looked at his eyes they where gorgeous and started breathing a bit fast. We looked at each other for seconds and then i said :"um sure we can be friends ,thanks for the information you gave me" and i closed the door.

The next day i went to my first class i had defend against dark arts class i ran to the class and i arrived last that professor was there he said i am professor oscar slowly and disgustedly he said late for your first class miss lavender it seems like you feel you do not need to learn anything huh then you can show us your great powers that your cousin wanna take. I couldn't say anything he just made me angry and professor Marcus let me read some books so i know some good spells. And where is your uniform i said oh we do not wear uniforms in america it is optional so i thought it is the same here.

I said"fine". Attitude he said.he said mr Armstrong and pointed for him to go up. He said i will go easy on you girl. I said huh okay. He started with the unarming spell that unarmed me from my wand ,he laughed and looked at his friends. I forgot everything he said the day before about being friends and jumped on my hands got near to him and punched him in the face then jumped and got my wand and and casted the unarming spell then said:" good thing i was not wearing my uniform or i could not hit him and then put the wand on his neck. Professor Oscar got angry and said maybe after all you are like your cousin i said and maybe after all you can be wrong. And i got detention but it was worth it .

Merlin came to me after class running and said" woah i never saw anyone who said anything to Oscar and not even a single drop of fear or tears coming down from their eyes. What can i say i have been through a lot i said to myself. Yeah he is annoying i said. And Felix is a big liar he told me let us be friends and was laughing at me when i fell. He is such a moron and i heard him talking to Amelia about me in a bad way. If he thinks that he can trick me then he is wrong. Tiffany said bloody hell you are really strong.

After our conversation and after all my classes i went to detention to find Felix there.