New boss

A ray of sunshine past the window of their room, Angel who just woke up sluggishly saw her mom's face brush by the sunshine. She had a kind of understated beauty, perhaps it was because she was so disarmingly unaware of her prettiness. Her skin was completely flawless. doubt she used face masks or expensive products, that really wasn't her m.o. She was all about simplicity, making things easy, helping those around her to relax and be happy with what they have. Perhaps that is why her skin glowed so, it was her inner beauty that lit her eyes and softened her features. When she smiled and laughed you couldn't help but smile along too, even if it was just on the inside. To be in her company was to feel that you too were someone, that you had been warmed in summer rays regardless of the season.

'Mom is beautiful' she thought in amazement.

She gets up and walks to the door, opening it slowly, she continues to walk to the chicken and sees her grandmother preparing their breakfast.

"Grandma!" she called.

Her grandma picks her up and fixes her hair. "Did you wake up early dear?" she asked.

"Yes, grandma! I'm excited to go to school" she cutely says.

Grandma kissed her cheeks then put her down.

"Go wash your face and wake up your mother" she instructed.

"Yes grandma" she said politely.

After that, she goes to the bathroom then to her mother who is still sleeping.

"Mom! Mom! Wake up" she called out.

"hmmm," she slowly opened her eyes,a smile appeared.

"Good Morning sweetie, come here give mom a morning hug" she sweetly says.

Angel smiled then comply, cutely said "grandma said I wake you up"

Jillian gets up and picks her daughter up "where is your grandma?"

"In the kitchen mom" she replied.


The world was peaceful except for the noise of children bidding goodbye to their parents and the mechanical sound of the cars. The wind howls as the students arrive through the gates, hustling and bustling down the corridors. Friends are greeting each other with a hug or a playful punch while newcomers stand looking scared.

Jillian drove her car in front of the school gate as other children walked into the school.

"Goodbye sweetie," she said "don't forget your launch pack"

She kissed her mother's cheeks "Thank you mom goodbye"

Jillian watched her daughter walk into the school and greeted her friends, 'When your father saw you I think he would love you much but…' she sighed.

While driving into her work she saw a black Mercedes in her rear tailing.

She did not mind it, it's just a coincidence that the car was following her until she reached the company and drove her car into the parking lot and still the car followed her.

She gets out and swiftly walks into the building, the car park near the entrance.

The car door opened and revealed a man in his tuxedo, messy hair, thick eyebrows, and glossy lips. A gorgeous man she thinks.

All she could smell is concrete but she was near the man she could smell a whole lot of flowers blooming in spring.

Jillian confronted the man "hey you! Why are you following me?" she shouted.

"Uhh I work here too?" he replies with a smug look.

"I have never seen you here before"

"because it's my first day?" the replies. "anyway miss don't be assuming, I gotta go I'm late" the man smirks at her.

When she heard late she panicked and immediately walked into the company and took her biometrics.

A few hours later.

Jillian is working from her desk when her supervisor walks in.

"Jillian you're called at the president's office" she spoke a little loud.

The office turns eerily quiet.

"why is that ma'am?" she asks.

"I don't know" her supervisor shrugged.

Then it struck her the new boss's office? Is that the man who she confronted? Oh no! Oh no! I'm dead, is he going to fire me?

She never felt this nervous in her life except when she gave birth. She walks into the elevator. That ride was the longest even though it was a few minutes.


The elevator door opens and she feels her hands sweat. She is nervous.

Anne the secretary saw her "the president is waiting for you"

Jillian noticed that Anne is a little sad and her things are in a box.

"Are you moving?" she asked.

"yeah" she replies poorly "you can go in"

Jillian's heart beats faster, she is in front of the door.

She knocked "sir? You called me?"

"yes, come in"

She was here a few times but the sight is brand new, a gorgeous man is in the view. Signing some paperwork.

The man picks up a folder and reads "Jillian Vergara, 24 years old, a mother to one and single mother?"

The man face turned serious and said "Ms. Vergara how much do you love your job"

Her face paled "I love my job, sir, I'm sorry sir please don't fire me." a hint of pleading.

"I'm sorry sir I didn't mean it. If you want I will kneel" Jillian is desperate and she regrets her actions.

"No! No! Please stand up Ms. Vergara, I didn't mean it" he shows his dashing smile

"Please take a seat Ms. Vergara and please calm down"

"Thank you, sir," she thanked him.

"how long did you work for here?" he asks "oh I never introduced myself I'm Mr. Ryan Avelino, your new president"

"I've been here for 3 years sir" she answered politely, she learned her lesson.

"Avelino? From the Avelino group?" her voice had a trace of shock.

"yes" he replied nonchantly.

A shock shows on her face. This man is a magnate even though the group is only second to the 8th avenue it's revenue reaches up to billions.

Why would this man buy a small company? What he's gonna do with our company? She asks herself but this is not her business.

"I called you because I want you…" he said slowly.

"to be my secretary"

A more shock appears into her face.