The pokerface

It was a Monday morning. The air was cold and the wind was strong. He could feel the hairs on my body rise as the cold wind hit his face as he sat on a swing in the playground. Small children were playing on the various, colorful, play equipment, as their parents kept a watchful eye on them. The noise of dogs barking at each other playfully as they chased each other in circles almost drowned out the cries of a baby.

But it's different, The persons who keep watching on them are wearing a brown, ankle-length dress, loosely based on the shape of tau or a T. It was cinched at the waist by a white “cord”, as they call it: a long rope with three knots tied into it, representing the three vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. In their heads, they wore a white “bonnet”, a sort of close-fitting cap, and over that, a waist-length veil—white for novices and black for the rest of it, sandals in their feet.

One of the nuns approach him, her face showed a smile "Arthorin, you are here again"

Arthorin smiled back and walk at her "Mano Po"

"God Bless you son" the nun replied.

"Sister, are the kids having fun?" he asked.

They started walking around the orphanage, the orphanage was a little bit. It catered to around one hundred children, the playground where they came from was a donation from Arthorin.

"Yes, you are very fond of the children here Art," she said softly as she stared at the children playing.

His eyes flickered with memories, a smile formed on his face. Memories flooded his mind, when he was young this place became his sanctuary.

He nodded his head and said "of course, this is my home"

The whole orphanage was painted with different colors to make the environment look happy but the atmosphere is gloomy.

"Sister, what is that room?" He asked as pointed a finger to a blue painted wall.

"Oh, you don't remember? That was the old storage room but we cleaned it and used it as a clinic" the nun explained.

"Oh, that was the storage room" recognition dawned on his face.

Halfway during their way, the nun and Arthorin a low thud, and Art felt a little thing hit into his leg. He turned around and saw a child on the ground rubbing his forehead.

"ouch" Art heard his muffled voice.

The nun was worried, she immediately went to the child.

"Are you okay Marko?" she asks as she pats away the dust in his clothes.

Arthorin just stared at the child, he observed him. The child's eye is blue. It was mesmerizing.

"Why are you running so fast Marko?"

"I'm going to talk with Aunt May" his voice had a little accent, Arthorin was flasbegerrated.

"Okay but first apologize to uncle Arthorin '' the nun instructed but then snuggled into the nun.

"It's okay sister, hey what is your name?" Arthorin smiled while talking to the child.

"Marko," he hesitated a little then answering Art shyly.

"Come here Marko" he gestures to the child to hold him.

"Come on Marko, go to uncle" the sister encouraged.

After that the child came to him, Art smelled the child's scent which is a little scent of the sun but he never mind it he still carried the child to the clinic.

They walked to the clinic while Art asked and asked the child, the child was twelve years old and he was six when he arrived at the orphanage, some would try to adopt him but the child refused.

He was shy at first but when he got comfortable at Art's arm, he was jolly and talkative. Art enjoyed the company of the child, he never thought this wholesome child is in a foster home.

He opened the door to the clinic and a gust of cold wind greeted his body, all of his hair standing up. It was hot inside so the cold wind made his hair stand up, he walked inside and he saw the whole room was white. He scanned the room and stopped at a woman.

"Aunt May!" Marko excitedly shouted, the kid wiggled in his arms so he put down the child.

After Marko landed he ran up to May, May who was writing raised her head saw Marko first but turned her eye to the man holding Marko.

May smiled "Marko slow down, it's slippery"

May meets Marko with his arms open wide, he hugs May tightly and she feels it.

She smiled and gently messed up Marko's hair and asked "did you miss me?"

The door opened, the sister was called so only Marko, him, and May left.

A huge smile appears on Marko's face "Aunt May, where is my candy?"

May laugh, she reaches out in her bag she hand the candy pinch his cheeks "cheeky kid"

Art just observing them and keeping quiet, he saw the kids face full of joy and saw the woman's laughter he ever wondered that feeling is.

"Can I give this to Maya?" His eyes were sparkling as he said that.

"Go ahead" she smiled when she heard that.

"Thank you Aunt May you're the best!" he kissed her cheeks then walked back to Art.

"Hi!" May greets Art, he smiled at her.

"Hello," he replied.

"Uncle Art do you want some?" Marko asks adorably, Art shakes his head.

"We're gonna go Ms." Art bids goodbye to May. She smiled and waved at the kid.

after they go out the air becomes warm again.

"Uncle, I'm going to give this to Maya. Can you accompany me?" he said cutely.

"Okay sure, where is Maya?" he asked.


Art stayed at the orphanage until 7 pm, he played with the kids the whole day and it was tiring but it was worth it. He had a little fun playing with them.

He was walking to the exit when he reached the gate, he saw a woman's figure standing.

The woman was looking left and right on the road, looking like waiting for a ride. It was a little dark because the light was far away.

"Ahem!" he fake coughs.

The woman yelps, she places her hand in her chest and heaves a deep breath.

"You scared me! I didn't hear you walk" May said while trembling.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" Art smiled apologetically.

"Yes," May calmed down.

There was an awkward silence after that, they did know each other so no one was taking the initiative to talk.

Art awkwardly stood there for a few minutes waiting for May to talk while she waited for a taxi.



They spoke at the same time, so another awkward silence.

"You first"

"You first"

Again, but this time they laugh.

"Looks like there's no car here passing, you can have a ride in my car" Art invited her.

May hesitated a bit. She looked left and right there's no sign of a car.

"Come on so we're even scared and this is my payment" Art was smiling while saying that, when May saw the charming smile she agreed.

Art gets his car then drives in front of the orphanage's gate 'Angel's Grace' was written up in the gate.

The ride was smooth and quiet but sometimes Art asks her some things about Marko and she gladly answers him.

While it was red in the stoplight he turned his head left, he saw a familiar woman.

"Wait is that?" he murmured.

But May heard it "What?" May asked.

"Nothing," He replied.